
Wishing peace, joy and warmth this holiday season

December 20, 2022

We are Jewish.

Each holiday season, we adorn the inside and outside of our home with Hanukkah decorations. We do so in an attempt to share our holiday with friends, neighbors, our children and grandchildren.

This past Sunday, our son, who happened to be visiting with his family and their dog, took the dog for a walk around 6 a.m. He found our Sunday Washington Post newspaper intentionally strewn, piece-by-piece, upon our lawn. One section, however, was nicely folded open. It was the obituary page and it was folded to an obituary of a Jewish person (designated in that section by a Star of David). That section was placed next to a sign we had on our lawn which read: Happy Hanukkah, Love and Light.

While we have throughout the course of our lives – and well before this common era of hatred – well understood the antipathy of some toward Jewish people and been sensitive to the existent antisemitism, when that hatred arrives at your front doorsteps, it is unsettling at best.

However, this is what we really wish to report. Our next-door neighbors, both Christian men, immediately posted a similar Hanukkah sign upon their lawn amidst their many Christmas decorations. That act of support, love and kindness confirms what we know to be true: There is such goodness amongst us, and in that we rejoice!

May the lights of this season shine brightly upon all and touch the hearts of both the relatively few who dispense hatred and the vast majority who continually – and in so many wonderful ways – demonstrate their fellowship and love.

Allan and Leslie Slan
Rehoboth Beach


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