New year brings roadwork at Malfunction Junction
Several area major road projects are scheduled to begin in 2023, including improvements to the area known as Malfunction Junction by locals. Phase 1 of the Plantation Road improvement project is underway with utility relocation taking place and construction slated to begin this spring.
Phase 1 of the project – from Robinsonville Road to Beaver Dam Road – includes new turn lanes, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, intersection improvements and a roundabout at the Plantation Road-Beaver Dam Road-Route 9 intersection.
The Delaware Department of Transportation has planned to construct a new connector road from the southbound lanes of Route 1 to the roundabout through the land once owned by Bests' Ace Hardware, which is scheduled for demolition.
Route 1, 113 intersections
Work continues on the Route 1-Route 16 grade-separated interchange with a completion date in 2024.
Work is expected to get underway in late 2023 or early 2024 for the Route 1-Minos Conaway overpass project in Lewes, which includes improvements at the Old Mill Road and Nassau Road intersections with a new bike and pedestrian shared-use path. Construction is expected to be completed in 2026.
DelDOT is in the design stage of four grade-separated interchanges, including one at the Route 1-Cave Neck Road intersection (construction 2025-206) and three along the Route 113 corridor between Georgetown and Ellendale, including intersections at Route 16 in Ellendale, Route 9 in Georgetown and Route 18/404 in Georgetown.
Route 24 corridor
Another project already underway is expected to be completed in the fall. Improvements at the Route 24-Angola Road-Camp Arrowhead Road intersections include widened and extended turn lanes off Route 24, sidewalks, bus stops, bike lanes, crosswalks and drainage improvements.
Phase 2 of the Route 24 widening and improvement project is underway from Mulberry Knoll Road to the area past the entrances to Love Creek Elementary and Beacon Middle schools, with work to be completed in 2024.
Millsboro bypass
Another major project is aimed at improving congestion along the Route 24 corridor in Millsboro. Construction of the two-lane north Millsboro bypass is expected to get underway in 2024 and be completed in 2025. The connector road will link Route 113 to Route 24 west of the Mountaire Farms plant. The project also includes a grade-separated interchange at the Route 113-Route 20 intersection, to link to the connector road. The road will cross Fox Run Road, the Delmarva Central railroad tracks, Millsboro Pond and Green Hill Road.
In the Lewes area
Utility relocation to make way for the three-year realignment project at the Old Orchard Road-Savannah Road-Wescoats Road intersections in Lewes will start in fall 2023. The project includes a new section of Old Orchard Road to link to Savannah Road and a roundabout at the Clay Road-Wescoats Road intersection.
Key projects in the design stage include a new bridge over Canary Creek with improvements to New Road from Schaffer Lane to the bridge. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.
Design work is also taking place for improvements to the Hudson Road and Sweetbriar Road intersections on Cave Neck Road near Milton. Work is expected to begin in 2024. The project is the first under Sussex County’s Funding Accelerating Safety in Transportation (FAST) program. Sussex officials fronted DelDOT $5 million to get the project completed sooner.
In the planning stage, with no construction date set, is the Dartmouth Drive-Kings Highway widening and intersection improvement project, which includes four roundabouts at existing intersections and one roundabout at a new intersection near the entrance to Freeman Highway.
Phase 1 of Park Avenue
Work also continues on Phase 1 of the Park Avenue Road realignment project to allow room to expand the main runway at Delaware Coastal Airport near Georgetown. Phase 1 includes a new leg of Park Avenue to connect to a new roundabout at the South Bedford Street-Arrow Safety Road intersection. When completed, Park Avenue, also known as Route 9 Truck Route, will connect Route 9 and Route 113 around Georgetown. The first phase is expected to be complete in 2024.
For more information on DelDOT projects, go to and click on the projects label.