
Appreciating the wonderful women’s health team at Beebe

January 17, 2023

In August, my husband Brandon and I were blessed with the arrival of our first baby, Addison.

As a former labor and delivery nurse at Beebe, I had no doubt that the women’s health team was incredible. But as a first-time mom, I was filled with nerves and uncertainty. After I arrived and checked in, the team immediately made me feel at ease. Everyone was so compassionate and caring, and each person contributed greatly to our experience.

Leah Smith, RN, and Kelsi Warrington, RN, were the first to welcome us when we arrived for my induction. It was especially meaningful to have Leah, who was a bridesmaid in my wedding, take care of me. Many of the other nurses on the team also already felt like family to me from working with them on the unit at Beebe. To my surprise, they had even decorated the room for us!

Throughout the night, Maureen Baker, RN, was a rock, helping me through the challenging parts of labor. When it was time to deliver my baby, Addison, in the morning, April Philips, RN, and Jenn Horner, RN, were there for me. Angela Caswell-Monack, DO, was so patient and calming. At one point it looked like I might need a C-section, but the team stayed proactive and helped me through the delivery of our gorgeous 9-pound, 6-ounce baby girl. Thanks also to my anesthesiologist, Yin Y. Lin, MD; women’s health practitioner Holly M. McKiel, DO; and Cecilia D’Orazio. We are forever grateful to everyone for the excellent care we as a family received every step of the way. Thank you all for being there with us for the birth of our daughter.

The women's health team at Beebe was already known to me as being exceptional, but my husband Brandon was completely blown away by the level of care we received. He could not stop raving about how amazing everyone was, and how they went above and beyond to make our experience memorable and special. It was clear that the high level of care and attention we received left a lasting impression on him.

Being on the receiving end of care, instead of the providing end, was a humbling experience. We were so grateful to have had such an amazing team by our side as we welcomed Addison into our family. It was an honor to be able to recognize some of our care team (those pictured and so many more) through the Celebrate Excellent Care program.

Amanda Biro, FNP, is an advanced practice registered nurse and a board-certified family nurse practitioner who works at the Beebe Healthcare Center for Breast Health.

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