
Huxtable inconsiderate of voters

February 7, 2023

Before I share my frustration and disappointment regarding Sen. Russ Huxtable, let me commend a public official who deserves it. Thank you to Rep. Stell Parker Selby for announcing in the Cape Gazette and inviting the general pubic to attend her first constituent coffee, Tell Stell, held in Milton Jan. 23. In eastern Sussex County, we are used to our elected officials offering an open and direct avenue for communication. I like personal interaction with the people who represent me and Stell, while I don’t always agree with her, provided that. Classy and considerate.

Contrast the newly elected state representative with the newly elected state senator, and the level of consideration comes crashing down. What is wrong with Russ Huxtable? His first few months in office have been a bloopers video. Trying to follow Stell’s lead, Huxtable hosted a constituent coffee at the Panera Bread in Rehoboth last week and never took the time to advertise it in the Cape Gazette. Many who would have attended to share their concerns found out well after the fact. So much for bringing people together and getting a feel for the district, which is what Russ told everyone he was going to do after he won the election. This district is full of good people of all political parties – Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Why not embrace and include all your voters, not just those who happen to be active in the local Democratic party or who follow you on social media where your notice was shared? You were more than happy to force subscribers to incessant attack letters against your opponent during the Senate campaign; why not share with the public, your constituents, when and where you are hosting a constituent coffee? 

As someone sick and tired of political labels and those who toe the party line, I’d ask all Sussex and Delaware officials, especially Sen. Huxtable, to be more open and transparent in embracing all constituents to be a part of knowing how their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent at forums and events. Tell us ahead of time – all of us.  Not just your friends. You work for all of us! 

Diana M. Robertson
Rehoboth Beach


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