Local Girl Scouts chosen for international opportunities
Katie Maher of Troop 1485 in Lewes and Blake Fritz of Troop 499 in Georgetown will be very busy young women this summer. Both girls have been chosen from hundreds of Girl Scouts nationwide to participate in two unique leadership opportunities.
Blake, daughter of James Fritz, Lauren Fritz-Mariner and Brandon Mariner, will be traveling to Chicago, Ill., in July to participate in Girl Scouts of the USA and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts 2012 Girls’ World Forum. The Girls’ World Forum is the third and final event in a series of forums that are part of the WAGGGS' global centenary celebrations. The World Forums, hosted by Girl Guiding UK in 2010 and the World Centers in 2011, have already engaged more than 250 young women in discussions of the WAGGGS Global Action Theme: Girls Worldwide Say, “Together We Can Change Our World,” which address the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
"Blake is the only representative from the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council," says Renee Naughton, Leadership Pathway Program specialist for GSCB. "Upon her return, Blake will be sharing her experiences with other girls in the council, her school and the community. She will also be required to complete a leadership project that will be presented at the forum." Blake was chosen for this unique opportunity based on her Girl Scout leadership experience, a written essay and recommendations from her Girl Scout leader, Denise Matz, “I’m very proud of Blake. I encouraged all the girls in my troop to apply for the forum and Blake grabbed the opportunity," says Matz.
Katie Maher, daughter of Michael and Janet Maher, will be traveling to Costa Rica, also in July, for a 15-day Girl Scout Service Challenge Trip. As part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience called Destinations, Girl Scouts from across the country can apply to participate in one of more than 50 national and international opportunities. Girls are encouraged to apply for more than one opportunity, as the competition to be selected is fierce. Katie is one of only 10 girls chosen for her Destination, and one of only four Girl Scouts in her council to apply for the opportunity.
During her two weeks in Costa Rica, Katie will participate in two service projects. One project will take place in the indigenous region of Talamanca. While staying in a remote village, she will work with her group to support the local community. Projects may include food distribution, garden building, painting, teaching English, building aqueducts and recycling projects. Katie will learn about native customs, culture, language and food while making an active contribution to the community. The other service project will allow the participants to learn about and protect Costa Rica’s beautiful and interesting ecosystems. Projects may include beach or trail cleanups, wildlife preservation, and/or national park protection assistance.
As part of the application process for both opportunities, the girls were required to submit a written essay with their applications. Both Katie and Blake are students at Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences and give credit to their writing teachers at SAAS for teaching them the skills necessary to write a convincing essay. The essays needed to convey why the girls wanted to attend and what they hoped to take from the experience. Katie's application also included references from her Girl Scout Leader Anna Moshier, and a teacher who could speak to her leadership skills. Katie chose Theresa Desmond, her social studies teacher, to write her second recommendation.
Katie's Destination trip requires a large financial commitment from the girl and her family. The cost of Katie's trip is almost $2,000, plus airfare and equipment. "Katie is spending two weeks in a tropical environment, and the equipment list is quite extensive," said Katie's parents. "We've purchased her airfare and some of her equipment, but part of the leadership process is for the girl to earn a large part of the expenses herself." Katie is holding two fundraising events to offset her expenses. The first is a Scrapbook Crop to be held at St. Jude The Apostle Religious Education Building on Saturday, April 28, and the second is a cheerleading clinic for girls in grades K-5 at the Lewes School on Saturday, May 5. For more information on either event or to make a donation, contact her at katie.maher@yahoo.com or her parents at 302-258-3327.
"We are so proud of Katie and Blake," says Anna Moshier, service unit manager and outdoor program consultant for Girl Scouts of Chesapeake Bay Service Unit 30. "To have both girls representing our council in these opportunities come out of our small service unit is astonishing. The council serves 16,000 girls on the Delmarva Peninsula, and it speaks highly of the girls and the adult volunteers who work with them here in Sussex County to cultivate their leadership skills to this level. We're doing everything we can to help and support them. They are amazing young women and excellent examples of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience."
For more information on Girl Scouting, go to www.gscb.org., www.girlscouts.org/forgirls/travel/destinations/ for information on Destinations. and www.wagggsworld.org/en/take_action/centenary/ywwf/GWF2012 for additional information on Girls World Forum 2012.