The Cape Henlopen Class of 2023 held the annual Senior Awards night June 1 in the high school auditorium. The night highlights the scholarships each senior has been awarded as they pursue their education at the next level.
Graduation will be held at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 6 at Cape’s Legends Stadium. Rain date is Wednesday, June 7.
Cape seniors earned the following awards:
Noa Aboutboul
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Ariana Adili-Khams
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Villanova National Merit Scholarship - $22,000
Ali Ahmed
AJ Drexel Scholarship - $68,400
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Karly Anemone
President's Award for Educational Excellence, University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $24,000
Anthony Apgar-Fehring
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Ryan Baker
Lehigh University Scholar Athlete - $61,180
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Tyler Belson
Italian-American Heritage Club of Sussex County DE Scholarship - $1,000
Elaina Best
David and Linda Robinson Scholarship - $1,000
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $4,200
James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Lewes Lions Club - Ernie Ratledge Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Abigail Betts
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Cavallaro Cleary Visual Arts Foundation Scholarship - $2,000
Charles L. Hebner Memorial Scholarship - $5,000
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
John M. Roca Memorial Scholarship - $5,000
NYU's Gallatin Scholarship - $42,800
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Delaware Secretary of Education Scholar Award
Gavin Birl
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Aiden Bowman
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Webb Institute Full-Tuition Scholarship - $220,000
Mackinzie Brown
Bill Windett Memorial Scholarship - $250
Cape Henlopen Support Staff Association Scholarship - $250
Cape Henlopen Taxpayers for Fair Elections - $1,000
Geneva Pepper Morris Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Luke Burton
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
Flagler Lacrosse Scholarship - $20,000
Flagler Presidential Merit Scholarship - $8,000
William Busick
Cape JROTC Scholarship - $500
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Yaridel Camacho
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
Ninfa Cantu
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540/JROTC - $1,000
Korean War Veterans Association - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Angela Marie Erale Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Brexton Carter
Harrington High School Alumni Scholarship - $2,000
McDaniel College Educator's Legacy Scholarship - $120,000
McDaniel College Presidential Scholarship - $10,000
William Cerf
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
Michael Conti
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Sarah Coty
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $16,000
Joseph Coveleski
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,700
Florida Tech Academic Scholarship - $72,000
FT Men's Lacrosse Scholarship - $40,000
Panthers Robotics Scholar - $10,000
Aidan Cox
Long Neck AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $500
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Andrew Criswell
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $16,000
Ava Crotty
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Col. David Hall Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution - $250
Gettysburg College Presidential Scholarship - $144,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Delaware Daughters of the American Revolution - $250
Why I Love Sussex Scholarship - $500
Camryn Cunningham
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Delaware Secretary of Education Scholar Award
Janya Currie
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
Sunshine Circle Club Book Scholarship - $200
William C. Jason Comprehensive High School Alumni Association Scholarship - $300
Owen Daminger
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $3,200
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Milton Lions Foundation Scholarship Award - $500
Misericordia Merit Scholarship - $80,000
Grove Park Running/Walking Club Scholarship - $500
Furkan Darcin
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 Scholarship - $2,500
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Odin DeLazaro Potemski
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Luke Dennis
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Natalie Derrickson
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of South Carolina Merit Award - $40,700
Daeveon Deshields
Cape Henlopen Support Staff Association Scholarship - $250
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization ofSussex County Scholarship - $250
Faith United Methodist Church Lorcenia Hood Vann Scholarship - $200
Sunshine Circle Club Book Scholarship - $200
William C. Jason Comprehensive High School Alumni Association Scholarship - $300
Alexa Dougherty
William Degnan Faith in Human Spirit Award - $500
University of Delaware Presidential Scholarship - $14,000
Madison Drake
American Legion Auxiliary Post 17 Scholarship - $1,000
Buffalo Soldiers of Delaware - $500
Cape Henlopen Taxpayers for Fair Elections - $1,000
Charles L. Hebner Memorial Scholarship - $5,000
First Town Club of Lewes - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Alabama Huntsville Academic Excellence Scholarship - $79,600
Wescoat Memorial Scholarship - $600
Women's Club of Milton Scholarship Award - $3,000
Emily Drumheller
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Kathryn Drumheller
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Stella Dutton
Women's Club of Milton Scholarship Award - $3,000
West Virginia University Go First Scholarship - $40,000
Kaitlin Eisenmann
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Sue Lore Social Studies Book Grant - $400
VFW Post 92 Scholarship - $1,000
Gracie Elder
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Peyton Evans
Mississippi State Univ. Merit Scholarship - $15,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Stephen R. Jones Scholarship - Lewes Fire Department - $1,500
Sussex County Fire Police Association Scholarship - $1,000
Brogan Evick
Kevin Kennedy Memorial Sports Award
Anna Fantoli
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $2,200
Gallo Gives Foundation - Environmental Science Majors - $2,500
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
GFWC DE Scholarship - $2,000
Gladys Wilkins Agricultural Scholarship - $6,000
Italian-American Heritage Club of Sussex County DE Scholarship - $1,000
James A. McCarty Memorial Scholarship - Delaware Lions Foundation - $1,000
Lewes Yacht Club Foundation Scholarship - $1,000
Lewes-Rehoboth Rotary Club Eschenbach, Moore and Gallery Memorial Scholarship - $4,000
Maxine McWhorter-Ungerbuehler Scholarship - $2,000
Milton Garden Club Scholarship - $3,000
Milton Lions Foundation Scholarship Award - $500
Rehoboth Beach Lions Club Scholarship - $4,000
Thurman Adams & Hilda McCabe Adams Family Scholarship - $1,000
Tzu-Chi Scholars scholarship - $1,500
University of Vermont Presidential Scholarship - $64,000
Wescoat Memorial Scholarship - $600
Whitetails Unlimited DE Chapter Scholarship - $2,500
Women's Club of Milton Scholarship Award - $3,000
Ethan Felker
COAD George D. McClure III Memorial College Scholarship - $1,000
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
Misericorida University Scholarship - $64,000
Saniah Finney
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
Sunshine Circle Club Book Scholarship - $200
William C. Jason Comprehensive High School Alumni Association Scholarship - $300
Alfredo Flores Lopez
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Colleen Flynn
Notre Dame University Scholarship - $107,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Delaware Secretary of Education Scholar Award
Charles Fritchman
Cape Henlopen High School 2023 Male Athlete of the Year
Salisbury University Excellence Scholarship - $4,000
Salisbury University STEM Scholarship - $20,000
Scott Brozey Lead by Example Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Austin Futty
Cloutier-Valenti Legacy Scholarship - $1,500
DECA Outstanding Senior Award - $150
Gladys Wilkins Agricultural Scholarship - $6,000
Original Milton Farmers Market - $6,000
Philip K. Bartlett Scholarship - $2,500
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Overfalls Foundation Marine Studies Scholarship - $2,500
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $24,000
Thomas Gibbs
Bruno Overcomer Scholarship - $5,000
Charlotte King Scholarship - Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice - $1,000
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
DSU Full Tuition Scholarship
J.D. O'Connor Scholarship Fund - $20,000
Lou Norbeck Student-Athlete Scholarship - $1,000
Milton Lions Foundation Scholarship Award - $500
Principal's Award for Leadership
Sunshine Circle Club Book Scholarship - $200
Sussex County Chapter of the Delaware State University Alumni Association Scholarship - $1,000
Tammy Hopkins Scholarship Award - $250
William C. Jason Comprehensive High School Alumni Association Scholarship - $300
Federico Giovannitti
Back Bay Strummers Music and Community Scholarship Award - $200
University of Delaware Presidential Scholarship - $10,000
Ella Godbout
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Pace University Honors Scholarship - $124,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Morgan Green
JMU's The Madison Award - $39,200
Linda Gutierrez-Santizo
American Legion Post 28 - $500
Long Neck AMVETS Auxiliary Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Long Neck AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $500
Long Neck Sons of AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Angela Marie Erale Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Cora Halfter
Loyola Dean's Scholarship - $120,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Jakob Hayes
DECA Outstanding Senior Award - $150
Hannah Hazzard
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
University of Delaware Provost Scholarship - $4,000
Allison Head
Lou Norbeck Student-Athlete Scholarship - $1,000
Zoe Hendershott
Long Neck AMVETS Auxiliary Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Dylan Henry
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Timothy Hitchcock
Heisman High School Scholarship CHHS Winner
James Hollenbeck Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
John Hocker
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
Nathan Horn
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Presidential Scholarship - $10,000
Grace Hudson
Belmont Abbey Scholarship - $28,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Leo Hunsberger
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Taylor Husbands
Aethon Books Writing Scholarship - $5,000
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
Herman Oscar Brittingham Educational Scholarship - $1,000
Jan Coltman Faber Education Fund Scholarship - All Saints' Episcopal Church and St. George's Chapel - $1,500
Maureen Schab Fund for Education - $6,000
Khloe Kabino
Herman Oscar Brittingham Educational Scholarship - $1,000
Mikayla Kall
Long Neck AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Jeffrey Borrin Vocational Scholarship - $2,140
Thaddeus Karl
American Legion Post 28 - $500
Cape JROTC Scholarship - $500
Gary D. Wray Memorial Scholarship - $500
Geoff and Ken Derrickson Memorial Scholarship - $4,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
University of Delaware Schlarship - $1,000
Hnin Khine
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Stony Brook University Presidential Scholarship - $44,000
Wescoat Memorial Scholarship - $600
Katie Kuhlman
Maggie Browne Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
University of Delaware Athletic Scholarship - $40,000
Autumn Larsen
Darby Mowll, RN Nursing Scholarship - $1,000
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Isaac League
American Legion Post 17 Scholarship - $1,000
American Legion Post 28 Scholarship - $2,000
American Legion Post 5 Scholarship - $1,200
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Sussex AMVETS JROTC Post 2 - $2,400
Trey Leggins
William Degnan Faith in Human Spirit Award - $500
Queens University Scholarship - $60,000
Queens University Track & Field Scholarship - $4,000
Mack Leonhartt
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Mikaylah Lindsay
Angola by the Bay Sea Gals Scholarship - $1,500
Victoria Lingo
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $24,000
Kayla Lorah
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
Midway Lions Charitable Foundation Thomas A. Coco Scholarship - $1,000
University of Delaware Provost Scholarship - $2,000
Hussain Mahdi
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $24,000
Janiah Maltbie
Cape JROTC Scholarship - $500
Charlotte King Scholarship - Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Xava Manall
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Temple University Scholarship - $34,000
Wescoat Memorial Scholarship - $600
Keishawn Mansfield
DSU Athletic Grant - $51,548
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
Crystal Marroquin Morrales
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 Scholarship - $2,500
Grace Mills
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Declan Morrissey
President's Award for Educational Excellence
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy - $290,000
Sarah Naar
Massachusetts Maritime Admiral's Scholarship - $20,000
Zachary Naar
Matthew K. Siemionko Memorial Scholarship - $8,000
Thespians Outstanding Senior Award - $250
Anna Nauman
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,200
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Scholarship - $250
George H. Henry Award - $500
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
Herman Oscar Brittingham Educational Scholarship - $1,000
Jan Coltman Faber Education Fund Scholarship - All Saints' Episcopal Church and St. George's Chapel - $1,500
Johnson Orthodontics Extraordinary Smiles Scholarship - $500
Lomax Leadership Scholarship - $1,000
Margaret M. Moore Scholarship - $2,000
Women's Club of Milton Scholarship Award - $3,000
Luis Nino
Carson Scholar 2022 - $1,000
CHHS Recognition as Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Principal's Award for Service
Vanderbilt University Army ROTC Scholarship - $225,108
Vanderbilt University Crescere Aude Summer Scholarship - $6,000
Liam O'Donnell
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Rowan Brown and Gold Scholarship - $32,000
Rowan University Scholar - $38,000
Taylor Ockles
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Brayden Parkes
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Mia Pfaff
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Ryan Pickard
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Bryan Ramirez-Montano
American Legion Post 17 Scholarship - $1,000
American Legion Post 28 Scholarship - $1,000
American Legion Post 5 Scholarship - $1,200
Gary D. Wray Memorial Scholarship - $500
Minerva Marrero Hispanic Scholarship - $5,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Sussex AMVETS JROTC Post 2 - $2,400
Camauri Reid
Palm Beach Atlantic Provost Scholarship - $64,000
Palm Beach Atlantic Trustees Honors Scholarship - $10,000
Diego Reyna-Lopez
American Legion Post 28 Scholarship - $500
Lewes-Rehoboth Rotary Club Award - $1,000
Long Neck AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Long Neck Sons of AMVETS Post 22 Scholarship - $1,000
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Haley Roadenbaugh
Fairleigh Dickinson Theater Scholarship - $6,000
Farleigh Dickinson Merit Award - $62,000
Thespians Outstanding Senior Award - $250
Barritt Ross
Ursinus Gateway Academic Scholarship - $140,000
Ursinus ULead Scholarship - $32,000
Andrew Schaen
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Mark P. Whitford Foundation Scholarship Award - $1,000
Ursinus Gateway Scholarship - $140,000
Peyton Schmer
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Charles Selders
MCAD Presidential Scholarship - $80,000
Milton Arts Guild Art Education Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Cole Shellenberger
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Village Improvement Association Good Citizenship Award - $500
Ka'Nieah Sheppard
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Noa Siemon
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Alissa Silva
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
Cook Scholarship - $1,000
Geoff and Ken Derrickson Memorial Scholarship - $4,000
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Lewes Lions Club - Ernie Ratledge Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Principal's Award for Loyalty, Honor and Trust
WVU's Scholarship of Distinction - $40,000
Megan Smith
Bill Windett Memorial Scholarship - $250
Cape Henlopen High School 2023 Female Athlete of the Year
Cape Henlopen High School NHS Award - $250
DE Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Association - $500
George H.P. Smith Scholarship - $500
Heisman High School Scholarship CHHS Winner
ISOD Thomas Winnberg Book Scholarship - $1,000
James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Lewes Lions Club - Ernie Ratledge Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
T. A. Shipley Scholarship - Lewes Fire Department - $1,500
VFW Post No. 7447 Continuing Education Scholarship - $1,000
Samantha Strunk
Board of Trustees LVC Scholarship - $128,000
Christopher J. Smail Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Lebanon Valley Departmental Scholarship - $2,600
Lebanon Valley Honors Scholarship - $4,000
Milford Elks Lodge Scholarship - $1,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
St. George's Chapel Episcopal Church Women Memorial Scholarship - $2,000
Village Improvement Association Good Citizenship Award - $500
Nathaniel Sullivan
Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship - $200
Kathryn Sumstine
Thespians Outstanding Senior Award - $250
Alex Taylor
F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship - $590
Roanoke College Trustee Award - $72,000
Emma Thompson
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Elizabeth Tietbohl
University of Lynchburg Hopwood Scholarship - $84,000
Sophia Tighe
James Brian Nowakowski Award for All-Around Chorus Member - $300
Kamille Trammell
Tammy Hopkins Scholarship Award - $250
Village Improvement Association Future Educator Award - $500
Willow Troise
Howard Schroeder Memorial Art Scholarship - $500
Pratt's Presidential Merit Scholarship - $100,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Senior Awards Program Cover Art Contest - $200
Alexis Truitt
James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Lewes Lions Club - Ernie Ratledge Scholarship - $1,000
Chance Dakota Trumbauer
Herman Oscar Brittingham Educational Scholarship - $1,000
Ken Cicerale Memorial Music Scholarship - $500
True Blue Jazz - Lawrence "Scotty" Scott Scholarship - $1,000
University of Delaware Music Scholarship - $12,000
Javier Valcarcel-Oquendo
Charles Maxwell Memorial Scholarship - $500
Cristian Velasques Godinez
Amanda Sapp Parisi Award - $400
Scott Webster
Elks National Foundation Legacy Award - $4,000
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Shane Whittam
Minds Move Mountains University of Oregon Scholarship - $20,000
Lillian Williams
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Gabriella Windsor
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Madison Windsor
Lewes Yacht Club Foundation Scholarship - $1,000
Presidential Scholarship Nova Southeastern - $143,520
Whitetails Unlimited DE Chapter Scholarship - $2,500
Overfalls Foundation Marine Studies Scholarship - $2,500
Gavin Woodyard-Wideman
Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award - $200
President's Award for Educational Excellence
Tammy Hopkins Scholarship Award - $250
Village Improvement Association Good Citizenship Award - $500
Jia Qi Xie
DECA Outstanding Senior Award - $150
President's Award for Educational Excellence
University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship - $24,000
Sophia Zych
American Legion Post 3 Nursing Scholarship - $1,000
Darby Mowll, RN Nursing Scholarship - $1,000
Darlene Kay Rust Nursing Scholarship - $1,000
Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship - $1,700
Louisiana State University Transformation Scholarship - $54,000
Milton Lions Foundation Scholarship Award - $500
![Ali Ahmed received the AJ Drexel Scholarship and President’s Award for Educational Excellence. Shown are Principal Kristin DeGregory, left, and Ahmed.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5782.jpg)
![Karly Anemone received the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and University of Delaware Trustee Scholarship. Shown are Principal Kristin DeGregory, left, and Anemone.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5783.jpg)
![Luke Burton received the Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship, Flagler Lacrosse Scholarship and Flagler Presidential Merit Scholarship. Shown are Principal Kristin DeGregory, left, and Burton.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5808.jpg)
![Odin DeLazaro Potemski received the Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship with Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5831.jpg)
![Natalie Derrickson received the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and the University of South Carolina Merit Award. Shown with Derrickson is Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5848.jpg)
![Autumn Larsen received the Darby Mowll RN Nursing Scholarship and F.H. & L.O. Russell Scholarship. Shown with Larsen are Principal Kristin DeGregory and Chuck Mowll.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5904.jpg)
![Kayla Lorah received the Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship. Shown with Lorah is Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5913.jpg)
![Grace Mills was given the President’s Award for Educational Excellence by Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5925.jpg)
![Sarah Naar received the Massachusetts Maritime Admiral’s Scholarship. Shown are Principal Kristin DeGregory, left, and Naar.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5932.jpg)
![Luis Nino received the Vanderbilt University Army ROTC Scholarship $225,108. Nino is shown with Staff Sgt. Parker.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5940.jpg)
![Liam O’Donnell received the Rowan Brown and Gold Scholarship and the Rowan University Scholarship. Shown are Principal Kristin DeGregory, left, and O’Donnell.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5944.jpg)
![Sophia Zych received the American Legion Post 3 Nursing Scholarship, Darby Mowll RN Nursing Scholarship, Darlene Kay Rust Nursing Scholarship, Dewey Beach Lions Club John Waples Educational Scholarship, Louisiana State University Transformation Scholarship and Milton Lions Foundation Scholarship Award. Shown (l-r) are Chuck Mowll, Zych and Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_6021.jpg)
![Trey Leggins received the William Degnan Faith in Human Spirit Award, Queens University Scholarship and Queens University Track & Field Scholarship. Shown are (l-r) Tim Bamforth, Leggins and Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5905.jpg)
![Janiah Maltbie was presented with the Cape JROTC Scholarship, SDARJ Charlotte King Scholarship and Senior JROTC Dewey Beach Triathlon Appreciation Scholarship. Shown are (l-r) Principal Kristin DeGregory, Maltbie, James Sherard and Ava Cannon.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5919.jpg)
![Zachary Naar received the Matthew K. Siemionko Memorial Scholarship and Thespians Outstanding Senior Award. Shown are (l-r) Roger and Susan Siemionko, Naar and Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5935.jpg)
![Andrew Schaen received the F.H & L.O. Russell Scholarship, Mark P. Whitford Foundation Scholarship Award and Ursinus Gateway Scholarship. Shown are (l-r) Gail Shaffer, Schaen and Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5954.jpg)
![Chance Dakota Trumbauer received the Herman Oscar Brittingham Educational Scholarship, Ken Cicerale Memorial Music Scholarship, True Blue Jazz - Lawrence "Scotty" Scott Scholarship and University of Delaware Music Scholarship. Shown are (l-r) Principal Kristin DeGregory, Trumbauer, Kelly Sheridan and Lesa Howard.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5988.jpg)
![Javier Valcarcel-Oquendo received the Charles Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, given in memory of Charles Maxwell, Class of 2020, who passed away in February after an auto accident. Shown are Charles’ father Chuck Maxwell, brother Dylan Rosenberg, Valcarcel-Oquendo, mother Lauri Maxwell and Principal Kristin DeGregory.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_5990.jpg)
![Gavin Woodyard-Wideman received the Beacon Middle School PTO Distinguished Student Award, President's Award for Educational Excellence, Tammy Hopkins Scholarship Award and Village Improvement Association Good Citizenship Award. Shown are (l-r) Principal Kristin DeGregory, Woodyard-Wideman, Vaughn Hopkins and VIA President Kate McKenzie.](/sites/capegazette/files/2023/06/field/image/_MG_6005.jpg)