We’ve done a lot this legislative session to move the state forward. We’ve signed a sustainable budget that sets aside reserves to protect for future downturns. We made investments in our youngest and most vulnerable students. We’re prioritizing safety on our roadways. These investments and actions will keep Delaware competitive, strengthen our community and ensure every student can thrive. I want to thank the General Assembly for their hard work this session.
Here are some of the legislative actions of the 152nd session of the General Assembly:
Investing in education
- Passed 9% raises for classroom teachers
- Increased funding to lower pre-K student-teacher ratios
- Invested an additional $10 million to increase Purchase of Care rates to 100% of the 75th percentile of the 2021 market rate, to better support programs and children in need
- Doubled funding going to the Early Childhood Assistance Program to $12.2 million, to serve more 3- and 4-year-olds, and provide programs with more resources
- Strengthened mentoring supports by hiring an out of school time officer and dedicating funding to support the School Mentoring and Literacy Task Force’s recommendations.
Keeping roadways safe
- Working to curb speeding and reckless driving
- Expanded Move Over protections
- Further protected motorcyclists
- Strengthened child safety seat requirements
- Enabled green lights on snowplows to increase visibility.
Protecting natural heritage
- Passed the Climate Change Solutions Act to reduce greenhouse emissions
- Created the Electric School Bus Program
- Passed legislation to create an Electric Vehicle Rebate Program
- Funded the Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative
- Allocated $31.8 million to improve Delaware’s drainage, drinking water and water resources
- Dedicated $7.5 million to protect shorelines and beaches.
Safe and affordable housing
- Protected a tenant’s right to counsel in eviction proceedings
- The FY 2024 budget includes the largest housing investment in Delaware history, and strengthens initiatives including: Catalyst Fund, Accelerator Fund, Market Pressure Relief Fund, Preservation Fund.
Community safety and security
- Helped prevent gun violence by banning guns in schools and polling places
- Passed legislation to curb the use of xylazine.
Economy of the future
- Passed legislation to strengthen Delaware’s ability to attract and grow businesses
- Continued key investments in economic development programs.