
Delaware State Fair increases security efforts for 2023

Attendees must walk through weapons/metal detectors for July 20-29 events
July 10, 2023

The Delaware State Fair has worked with local and state law enforcement to develop increased security that will be unveiled at the 2023 fair.

The development and installation of increased security cameras, fixed security bollards, increased police staffing, and walk-through metal detectors will play key roles in increasing security efforts as the fair prepares for 300,000 guests to visit Harrington Thursday, July 20, to Saturday, July 29.

All patrons entering the fairgrounds are required to walk through weapons/metal detectors that will be in operation at all gates. Weapons of any kind are prohibited regardless of a patron’s license-to-carry status.

If patrons have any prohibited items in their possession at the time of screening, they can either return the item(s) to their vehicles or surrender them at the gate for disposal by the fair. Surrendered items will not be returned.

The fair will be utilizing a technologically advanced weapons detection system known as OpenGate by CEIA. As such, initial screening will not require separation from outerwear garments, wallets, purses, backpacks, bags or strollers, nor the removal of the contents of any pockets.

Should a walk-through metal detector or any security official identify the need for further screening, the fair reserves the right to conduct additional screening of the fairgoer and their bags as a condition of gaining entry or maintaining admitted status on the fairgrounds. Refusal to comply may be grounds to prohibit admission. Guests will not be permitted to enter the fairgrounds if they are visibly intoxicated.

For more information on admission and entry policy and screening procedures, go to

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