
Lewes BoA approves variances for three properties

Includes elevator for homeowners who want to age in place
August 4, 2023

The Lewes Board of Adjustment unanimously approved variances for three properties at an Aug. 1 meeting.

The board granted a setback change from 7 feet to 2 feet at 9 Massachusetts Ave. that will allow homeowners Roy Fitzgerald and Jenni Keith to have an elevator built inside their home. They testified at the meeting that the addition was needed because they intend to age in place and are no longer able to use stairs as easily. 

The second approval was for a property at Fourth and Mulberry streets. The board will allow homeowners Joshua and Sabina Javits to get relief from the city’s off-street parking requirement. Even though they have adequate off-street parking with a three-car garage, they will be allowed to continue parking in front of their garages on Fourth Street, even though it encroaches on the city’s right of way.

The final approval was for a home at 322 Savannah Road. The board granted a side-yard setback variance to homeowners Eric and Lisa Davis. They are tearing down old structures and building a vertical addition and new deck that encroach on the setback. The Lewes Historic Preservation Architectural Review Commission previously approved the renovations since the home is in the historic district.

There was no public opposition to any of the three variance requests.

The board also discussed a possible change to city code that would require the board to directly notify neighbors of adjacent properties about public hearings. Chair Richard Grier-Reynolds will present the proposed changes at a mayor and city council hearing Monday, Aug. 7.


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