Center for the Inland Bays committees set meetings Oct. 20, 26
The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee will meet via Zoom from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday, Oct. 20.
The agenda includes updates on the Environmental Monitoring Plan, Habitat Plan and Wastewater Planning Subcommittee; an overview of the 2021 State of the Bays technical report; and several presentations on the history, restoration and condition of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Inland Bays.
The public is welcome to attend by going to and using passcode “science.” To join by phone, dial 1-646-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 948 6177 6056.
The CIB Citizens Advisory Committee will hold an in-person and virtual Citizens Cafe meeting from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 26, where presenters will discuss climate change and its effects on the Inland Bays.
Attendees will be able to learn from CIB Executive Director Christophe Tulou about climate change impacts on the Inland Bays and their watershed, along with regional mitigation efforts. Lisa Locke, retired programs director for Delaware Interfaith Power & Light, will join the conversation to highlight some community-based efforts to address climate change. They include DeIPL’s student essay contest, a new partnership between the Cape Gazette and Cape Henlopen High School that promotes civics education, and more.
The public is welcome to attend the meeting in person or virtually. The in-person meeting will take place at the CIB office, 39375 Inlet Road, Rehoboth Beach, on the north side of Indian River Inlet.
Join virtually at using meeting ID: 827 2930 6327.
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