Riddle receives 2023 Distinguished Citizen Award
The Del-Mar-Va Council Boy Scouts of America presented its Sussex County 2023 Distinguished Citizen Award to Wm. Jack Riddle at a reception Nov. 7 at Ivy in Dewey Beach.
Riddle serves as president and chief lending officer of Community Bank Delaware. He has also been a two-time recipient of the U.S. Small Business Administration Financial Services Champion Award for his commitment to the Delaware small business community.
“The Del-Mar-Va Boy Scouts Council considers it a privilege and an honor to present Jack Riddle with this award,” said Shaina Adkins, development director. “His outstanding services to his community are immeasurable! We are very grateful to have him a part of our Del-Mar-Va Council family and our 2023 Sussex County Distinguished Citizen.”
Recipients are selected for their outstanding service as evidenced by their leadership to many worthwhile organizations, as well as the respect and esteem in which they are held by their colleagues and community.
Pat Campbell-White, the 2019 recipient, acted as emcee for the evening’s festivities.
Robert Nakagawa, scout executive of the Del-Mar-Va Council, gave an update on the Del-Mar-Va accomplishments, while Eagle Scout Wyatt Snyder spoke about what being a scout means to him.
Several tributes to Riddle were given. Alex Pires spoke about Riddle the banker. Cliff Berg spoke about Riddle the rotarian. Stefanie Kotzur and Laura McCreary told of Riddle the father. And Bob Boyd spoke about Riddle the friend.
Past recipients of the award include Joe Hudson; Drs. Ellen and Gregory Bahtiarian; Dale Dukes; Thomas Brown; Joseph, Chris and Preston Schell; Michael Vincent; Alex Pires; and Pat Campbell-White.
The event raised $50,000 for the Del-Mar-Va Council Boy Scouts of America.