
News Briefs 12/1/23

December 1, 2023
Marijuana on Sussex council agenda

At Sussex County Council’s Tuesday, Dec. 5 meeting, assistant county attorney Vince Robertson will make a presentation on the Delaware Marijuana Control Act. The law, passed in April, legalizes the use of recreational marijuana and provides regulations for retailers, growing facilities, labs and product manufacturers. Municipalities can enact regulations governing the time, place, manner an number of cannabis establishments or ban the business from town limits. The county does not have the option to ban the business, but can set its own regulations within the law.

The meeting takes place at 10 a.m. in the county administration building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown. Also included on the agenda is vote on rezoning and conditional-use applications filed by J.G. Townsend Jr. & Company for Village Center Cottages with 102 cottage-style multifamily units on a 25.5-acre parcel at the intersection of Kings Highway and Gills Neck Road, Lewes..

A full agenda and meeting materials are available at Meetings are in person, live streamed at, and available by phone at 302-394-5036 using code 570176.

RFP issued for campground grant

In July 2022, the U.S. Economic Development Administration announced it had awarded a $3.2 million grant to the state’s Division of Parks and Recreation for campground improvements at Cape Henlopen, Delaware Seashore, Killens Pond, Lums Pond and Trap Pond state parks. The state issued a request for proposals related to those improvements Nov. 17. According to the public notice, the deadline for receipt of proposals is Wednesday, Dec. 20, with Friday, Jan. 19 as the estimated date for when the contract will be awarded.

Local projects include: campground expansion with additional sites, amenities and new full-service cabins in the youth primitive area near Herring Point at Cape Henlopen; six cottages to be added to the existing 12, with an additional dozen or so cottages on the south side campground at Delaware Seashore; campground expansion with 30 new pull-through, full hook-up sites plus a new bathhouse facility to accommodate the expansion at Lums Pond.

The funds were made available under EDA’s $240 million competitive American Rescue Plan Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation program, and will be matched with $803,100 in local funds.

Lewes Council to hold public hearing Dec. 4

Lewes Mayor and Council will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4 at the Rollins Center. The topic is a site plan for  the proposed Beach House of Lewes hotel located at 209 E. Savannah Road. Agenda and a meeting link can be found at

Lewes BOA to meet Dec. 5

The Lewes Board of Adjustment will meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5 at City Hall.

The agenda includes a public hearing and possible action to consider a variance request for the property at 311 Park Avenue.

The full agenda and a meeting link can be found at

Lewes Environmental group to meet Dec. 4

The Lewes Planning Commission’s Environmental Subcommittee will meet at 1 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4 at City Hall.

The agenda includes discussion and possible action on commercial freeboard and floodplain.

The full agenda and a meeting link can be found at

Rehoboth workshop slated for Dec. 4

Rehoboth Beach commissioners have scheduled a workshop for 9 a.m., Monday, Dec. 4. The agenda includes discussions on preliminary recommendations on the city’s parking and transportation study, a review of the city’s outdoor dining policy, a discussion on committee recommendations related dogs, a review of committee activity in the past year, a discussion on replacing the Lake Gerar fishing pier and a discussion on the renewal of the lease with the state for Deauville Beach.

The meeting will be conducted in the commissioners room of city hall, 229 Rehoboth Ave. A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at Only in-person attendees may make comments. For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Rehoboth executive session set Dec. 4

Rehoboth Beach commissioners have scheduled a special meeting for 2 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4. The agenda says the purpose of the meeting is to conduct an executive session related to preliminary discussions on the sale or lease of real property, to discuss personnel matters in which the names, competency and abilities of individual employees are discussed and to discuss the qualifications of individual candidates for employment as the city manager.

The meeting will be conducted in the commissioners room of city hall, 229 Rehoboth Ave. A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at

Only in-person attendees may make comments. For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Rehoboth BoA grants variance requests

During a meeting Nov. 27, the Rehoboth Beach Board of Adjustment conducted two hearings and approved the variance requests for both. 

The first, brought forward by Harvey Shulman, was for a variance request at 149B Henlopen Ave. Shulman was seeking a variance of 8 feet into the rear yard set back so he could build a screened-in porch on an already-existing deck. The board approved the request by a vote of 4-1. Chair Barry Brandt was the no vote.

The second, brought forward by Charles and Jane Andreae, was for a variance request at 52 and 54 Kent Street. The Andreaes were seeking a variance in side yards to allow for an encroachment ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 feet, or 12.88 square feet, into the eastern side yard setback. The Andreae’s own a double lot and are looking to subdivide it. The existing 1 and a half story structure is on 54 Kent St. The board approved the request unanimously. 

Rehoboth BoA, tree meetings canceled

In advance of the Christmas holiday, the Rehoboth Beach Board of Adjustments and Parks and Shade Tree Commission meetings, both scheduled for Monday, Dec. 25, have been canceled. According to notices from the city, the meetings were canceled due to the Christmas holiday and scheduling conflicts. For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Eastern Sussex Dems to meet Dec. 3

The Eastern Sussex Democrats will meet at 5 p.m., Wednesday Dec. 3, in the Lewes Public Library large meeting room. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner before the presentation. Cost is $25 per person. Attendees can pay at the door or pay in advance at

State Sen. Russ Huxtable, D-Lewes, will speak, and there will be a presentation by representatives of Speak Out Against Hate, a project of the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice.

Dewey approves driveway ordinance

Dewey Beach commissioners voted unanimously Nov. 17 to approve an ordinance relating to minimum allowable distances between driveway entrances and intersections, as recommended by the planning & zoning commission. Driveway entrances may be constructed no closer than 40 feet to any intersection, with the measurement taken from the lot corner closest to the two intersecting streets. 

The building official may approve a distance shorter than 40 feet if adhering to the requirement would prevent driveway access to the property.

SoDel to donate 100% proceeds Dec. 5

Tuesday, Dec. 5, guests at popular southern Delaware beach restaurants can enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner and give back to the community at the same time. On that date, the SoDel hospitality family will hold A Day of Giving, with 100% of sales going toward SoDel Cares, the group’s charitable arm.

With restaurants located from Milford to Ocean City, Md., the SoDel family includes SoDel Concepts restaurants, Southern Delaware Brewing (Thompson Island Brewing Company and Ocean View Brewing Company), Highwater Management and Surf Bagel.

“This is one of the most important parts of my job,” said Scott Kammerer, CEO of SoDel Concepts and founder of SoDel Cares.  “We have a responsibility to support local organizations, and so many of our guests understand that mission and get behind events like A Day of Giving.” To date, SoDel Cares has donated more than $1 million to organizations that assist children, at-risk youth and adults, and the elderly.  For a complete list of restaurants, go to,, and

To learn more about SoDel Cares, go to

Ferry hearing to discuss fare changes

The Delaware River and Bay Authority will hold a virtual public hearing at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 6, to discuss the goals and objectives of proposed fare changes at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. Among the changes to be considered are fare adjustments to reflect inflationary pressures and selected fare decreases to encourage family and multi-trip travel at the bi-state agency’s southern crossing facility. 

“We typically introduce a fare change every other year, which is designed to help reduce the operating subsidy of the ferry but also to make travel for families and multi-trip passengers more affordable over time,” said Heath Gehrke, director of ferry operations. “This year, we are holding a virtual public hearing to get some feedback from our guests as we move to implement some proposed changes – a process we have not used before.”

The virtual public hearing will be held on Microsoft Teams. Go to to register and receive an email link for the public hearing.

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