
Hoey Stevenson is perfect for 6th District

December 12, 2023

What does one look for in a candidate for Delaware Senate? One would hope the candidate understands that listening to constituents is primary. A servant’s heart is essential. A clear understanding and knowledge of the area represented as well as honesty and maturity. The ability to clearly articulate a position, and the willingness to negotiate to achieve the best outcomes for citizens of all ages and backgrounds in the Cape area.

Kim Hoey Stevenson brings all these attributes and more to the race for Delaware Senate District 6. A lifelong Sussex Countian, Kim understands what makes Sussex County a special place – a place where families wish to raise their children; entrepreneurs want to start and build their businesses; and retirees flock to enjoy the pristine beaches and slower lifestyle. Kim has taught in the county school system and sat as vice chair of the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission, and she served in a similar position for the City of Milford.  

As an award-winning journalist, she easily articulates her positions and is dedicated to maintaining the charm and environmental resources of the Cape Region while encouraging smart growth. Her community involvement keeps her well-versed in local issues. Most importantly, her votes will represent her campaign promises.

I am proud and honored to endorse Kim Hoey Stevenson for senator representing the 6th District. Cape Region residents deserve better representation, and I am certain Kim will provide that.

Marilyn F. Booker
Sussex County Republican Women’s Club
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