RD20 Democrats to meet March 21
The Delaware 20th Representative District Democratic Committee will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m., Thursday, March 21, at the Lewes Diner, 1201 Savannah Road, Lewes. An informal social gathering for Dutch treat dinner starts at 5 p.m.
Guest speakers will be Alison Myers, a newly re-elected Cape Henlopen school board member, and Curtis Aiken, a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. Myers will be discussing the March 26 school board referendum, as well as voluntary school assessment fees. Aiken will be discussing his campaign for Congress.
Any registered Democrat in Delaware is welcome to participate in RD20’s social hour and business meeting.
For more information, go to rd20deldems.com. To be placed on RD20’s email list, email rd20.deldems@gmail.com.
RD20 is the local Democratic Party organization for residents of Lewes, Milton, Nassau, Pinetown, Belltown, and sections of Harbeson and Georgetown.