Veteran gives Army history book to National Guard leader
Charles Garrod, a Milford-area resident and Korean War veteran, was invited to attend the National Vietnam War Veterans Day ceremony held March 30 at Kent County Veterans Memorial Park in Dover.
While there, Garrod presented a book that capsulizes the 225-year history of the United States Army to Brig. Gen. Michael J. Karwatka of the Delaware Army National Guard.
Garrod thought this book would be in better hands with Karwatka, as he would know where it should be directed to maximize its historical usefulness.
In 2008, Garrod created a Facebook group that he named Korean War Veterans and supporters. At this time, it has almost 11,000 members from 111 countries, making it the largest in the world focused on keeping the memories of Korean War veterans alive through those who served, and their families, friends and supporters.