
Community Briefs 4/3/24

April 3, 2024
Tower Beach FC adult league announced 

Tower Beach FC will host an adult soccer league on Wednesdays in June and July at Cape Henlopen High School. Games will comprise two 25-minute halves with officials. Cost is $100. Post-game perks will be offered at Big Oyster Brewery. To register, go to For more information, contact Patrick Kilby at 302-331-6412 or

Shore Wellness coach certified in hypnotherapy

Lin Simon, PhD, a wellness coach with Shore Wellness in Lewes, is now certified in hypnotherapy by the American Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Simon uses hypnosis and guided imagery in her coaching practice to help people who want to change behaviors or habits that are no longer useful to them. These integrative techniques can assist a client to adopt new behaviors and habits that lead to better health and more satisfaction with life.

Shore Wellness is at 34410 Tenley Court, Unit 6, near Lewes.Shore Wellness. For more information, email or go to

Free healthy living workshops start April 4

Beebe Healthcare and the Delaware Chronic Disease Self-Management Program will host a free healthy living workshop from 9 to 11:30 a.m., Thursday, April 4, at Cape Henlopen Senior Center, 11 Christian St., Rehoboth Beach.. Sessions will continue April 11, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9 and May 16.

Gaining knowledge about chronic health conditions can help people delay and/or prevent health complications; address frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation; encourage appropriate exercise to maintain and improve strength, flexibility and endurance; facilitate effective communication with health professionals and others; and underscore the role of nutrition for good health. 

To register, go to For more information, call 302-990-0522 or Beebe Population Health at 302-645-3337, or email

First Town Club scholarship applications due April 5

First Town Club of Lewes established a scholarship in 2007 to be granted to a female Cape Henlopen High School graduate who will be entering a certificate or licensing program, or a two- or four-year college. The $1,000 scholarship may be used to help defray some of the cost of higher education.

Applications are available at the Cape Henlopen High School Guidance Office; the deadline is Friday, April 5. This year’s scholarship will be presented at the Cape senior awards assembly.

Established in 1991 to encourage women to become better informed through programs and interaction, the First Town Club is a women’s organization that focuses on reaching out in ways that support the community and education.

Four local poets to read April 6

Award-winning Cape Region poets Jim Bourey, Sherry Chappelle, Irene Fick and David Salner will read from their works at 12 p.m., Saturday, April 6, at Rehoboth Beach Public Library, 228 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach. 

Bourey splits his time between Rehoboth Beach and New York’s Adirondack Mountains. He is the author of “Out There and Back Again,” “The Distance Between Us” and “Silence Interrupted.” He is also co-author with Linda Blaskey of “Season of Harvest.” 

Sherry Chappelle of Lewes is the former director of the Browseabout Book Club and is active in numerous literary organizations. Her chapbook, “Salmagundi,” won a Dogfish Head Poetry Prize.

Irene Fick of Lewes is the author of “The Wild Side of the Window” and “The Stories We Tell.”

David Salner of Millsboro has published six poetry collections, including “The Green Vault Heist” and “Summer Words: New and Selected Poems.”

Dogfish to host PickleBrawl Fest in Milton April 6

With pickleball courts popping up across the nation and pickle drinks finding their way onto menus everywhere, Dogfish Head is combining its love for both by hosting its inaugural PickleBrawl Fest from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 6, at its Milton Brewery.

With plans to transform its parking lot into pickleball courts for a day of friendly competition, pickleball spots quickly sold out. The brewery will be serving up pickle-centric food and beverages, including the release of Dogfish Head PickleBrawl beer, an American-style lager, as well as brand-new, pickle-themed merchandise for folks who still want to join in on the fun.

"With both pickle drinks and pickleball taking the world by storm, we’re tapping into folks’ love for both to craft a one-of-a-kind event and beer for pickle lovers and pickleball players,” said Sam Calagione, Dogfish Head founder and brewer. “There’s nothing quite like enjoying a refreshing beer after a game, and while we’re seeing that folks are loving pickle drinks right now, there aren’t many pickleball-themed beers out there.”

Those who won’t be participating on the courts can also come check out the on-site vendors and watch exhibition matches featuring experts from First State Pickleball.

Browseabout book club meetings continue April 7

Browseabout Book Club, celebrating its 27th year, discusses works of literary fiction, poetry, nonfiction and a range of genres. Members select works for their timely and timeless importance, and uniqueness of perspective. Its next discussion, set for 3 to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, April 7, will focus on “Under the Sea-Wind” by Rachel Carson.

Browseabout’s Words That Bleed book club will meet from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, April 21, for a discussion of “Theme Music” by T. Marie Vandelly. Led by staff member and published author Kelly Lidji, the club is for fans of horror and suspense.

Browsers Forensic Files, led by staff member and intrepid sleuth Steve Swain, is for enthusiasts of true crime and investigative journalism. Its next discussion is set for 3 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 28, focusing on “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote.

The book clubs are free to join and require no registration. For more information, go to

UUSD to meet April  7

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold an in-person and livestreamed service at 10 a.m., Sunday, April 7, with the message topic, Awakening the Spirit Within. Julie Keefer, UUSD director of music ministries, said, “Struggling to find inspiration in your daily life? Feeling stuck in a rut or lacking motivation to pursue your dreams? Look no further than the sources of inspiration that surround you every day. From the beauty of nature to the kindness of strangers, there are countless opportunities to find inspiration in the world around us. Join us as we uncover the secrets to finding inspiration in our everyday lives.”

For more information, go to

AAUW scholarship applications due April 8 

The American Association of University Women Coastal Georgetown Inc. will award a $2,500 scholarship to a woman who will have completed two years at Delaware Tech and will be continuing to a four-year college/university in fall 2024 to complete her degree.  AAUW-CG, a 501c3 nonprofit, is a local organization whose mission is to promote gender equity and economic security for women and girls. The $2,500 Heather Ann Worrall Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of a member’s daughter.

AAUW-CG will also award three $2,500 scholarships to graduating senior women attending Cape Henlopen, Sussex Academy, Sussex Central, Sussex Tech or Indian River high school. One of the scholarships is designated for a future educator. Another is a memorial scholarship in honor of Marty Johnson, a longtime member of AAUW-CG.

Applications are available at Delaware Tech and online at and For more information, email

AARP theater trip seats remain thru April 9

AARP Chapter 5340 is sponsoring a trip set for Tuesday, April 16, to the Magic and Wonder Dinner Theater in Lancaster, Pa., a 350-seat venue. Attendees will see the brand-new variety magic show, “Imaginarium,” which includes variety, magic and illusions. All are welcome; AARP membership is not required.

The cost includes round-trip bus transportation, lunch and the show at 2 p.m. Participants will depart at 7:30 a.m. from the College Park Shopping Center near the Georgetown Walmart.

The cost of the trip is $100. Even though the original reservation date has passed, there are still a couple of seats available through Thursday, April 9. For more information, call Pat at 302-856-2274 or Paula at 302-567-1748.

Retirement workshops start April 9

InFocus Financial Advisors Inc. will offer Retirement Bootcamp workshops at 11 a.m., Tuesday, April 9, and 10 a.m., Thursdays, April 18 and 25, at Lewes Public Library. Retirement Success is the topic April 9. Savvy Social Security is set for April 18. Retirement Investing will be the topic April 25. Classes will cover the importance of basic strategies to plan a successful retirement, how to maximize Social Security benefits and how to position portfolios to last during retirement.

Sponsor Delaware Money School will provide certified financial planner Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC, to instruct the workshop series. Jeter regularly speaks to public and private audiences around the region on various retirement-related topics. His goal is to help people become aware of the challenges of investing in retirement and teach suitable ways to overcome them. Space is limited. To register, go to or

Crane to address 14th RD Democrats April 10

Mitch Crane, a former district judge and veteran strategist in Delaware politics, will be the guest speaker at the Wednesday, April 10 meeting of the 14th Representative District Democratic Committee.

Crane will provide an overview of the Delaware political structure, focusing on elected offices and campaign strategies that win elections.

Currently an adjunct professor at Delaware State University, Crane has been a licensed trial attorney since 1977 and served as an elected judge in Chester County, Pa. Active in Delaware politics, Crane is a former chair of the Sussex County Democratic Committee. He served as campaign manager for Sen. Russ Huxtable’s successful run in 2022 and is serving again this year.

The program will begin at 5 p.m. with a Dutch treat dinner at Iron Hill Brewery on Route 1 near Rehoboth Beach, followed by Crane’s remarks at 6 p.m. and committee business at 6:30.  

The 14th RD Committee represents Democrats who live in and around Lewes, Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach. All registered Democrats are welcome to participate in 14th RD meetings.

Those planning to attend the April 10 meeting should RSVP by Tuesday, April 9, to

For more information, go to

Women’s Club of Milton scholarship applications due April 10

The Women’s Club of Milton will grant three $3,000 scholarships to women from the Milton area entering their freshman year of college. Applications can be obtained from guidance counselors at Cape Henlopen High School, Sussex Academy and Delmarva Christian High School. They are due back to the guidance offices by Wednesday, April 10.Celebrating more than 50 years of making a difference, the Women’s Club of Milton is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, one of the world’s oldest and largest women’s service organizations dedicated to community improvement through volunteer service. Go to for more information.

Reproductive rights, citizen action forum set April 11

Women’s March Sussex, in collaboration with ACLU of Delaware, will present a forum on reproductive rights, citizen action and HB 110 from 6 to 7:30 p.m, Thursday, April 11, at Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes.

Sen. Kyle Evans Gay, D-North Wilmington, will speak about HB 110, which would require Medicaid and private insurance companies to cover abortion services, emphasizing the important, practical impact this will have for so many Delawareans. She will also discuss the importance of a long-range effort to educate voters on the need to have reproductive protections secured in the Delaware Constitution.

Vonda Smack and Andrew Bernstein of ACLU Delaware will discuss the citizen initiative in Ohio that led to protection of reproductive rights in that state’s constitution and the grassroots actions taken there.

In a call to action, a script will be provided to attendees to help them contact their legislators and urge them to support HB 110 and SB 180.

Panelists will participate in a question-and-answer session. To register, go to

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