Local blood bank issues emergency call for donations of all types
Blood Bank of Delmarva announced a blood emergency April 8 following a period of low donor turnout due to holidays and school breaks. There is currently only a 2-3-day supply of type O negative blood, as well as a critical shortage of platelets, but all donation types are needed.
Type O negative is the universal blood type and represents only 6% of the U.S. population. It is most often used in trauma situations, allowing for immediate transfusions during emergencies. The current low supply of O negative blood is critical, and donations from these donors are especially needed.
The blood bank is still recovering from a nearly 50% decrease in youth and first-time blood donors since 2019, and agencies are working to rebuild donations from this population. At one time, youth donations represented 25% of the blood supply, but they now only contribute 10% of the country’s donations.
“We are asking our community to respond during this blood emergency so that we are able to meet the needs of patients in the hospitals we serve,” said Steve Corse, Blood Bank of Delmarva executive director. “We are calling on eligible donors to make an immediate blood or platelet donation, and it is our hope that we’ll see first-time and youth donors answer our call for help.”
Blood donors can give every 56 days, and platelet donors can give twice per month. The Food and Drug Administration recently lifted several blood donor eligibility restrictions. To view current guidelines or to make an appointment, visit delmarvablood.org or call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8.