Xi Sigma chapter donates to therapeutic riding center
Check presentation attendees shown are in back (l-r) Barbara Catts, Mary Ann McCrae,Fay Burnham, Carolyn Joyce, Cathy Glielmi, Carolyn McClelland, Barbara Henriksen, and Gretta Wolter, all Xi Sigma members. In front are Ann Wotring, Kris Pritchett, Xi Sigma members; Marie Murray,treasurer, SDTR; Jo Allegro-Smith, executive director,SDTR; Jane McGann, Clare Johnson and Kaye Webb, Xi Sigma members. SUBMITTED PHOTO
May 12, 2024
Xi Sigma chapter, Beta Sigma Phi donated $800 to Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding, its beneficiary for the 2023-2024 service year.
The presentation was made during the April meeting held at the home of member Carolyn Joyce.
Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding is a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization that was established in 1988. Its mission is to improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of children and adults living with disabilities through equine-assisted services in a supportive environment for riders and their families. For more information, go to