Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 of Lewes held an Easter egg hunt and party for 41 children ages 12 and younger, and their families.
A group of 14 Elks volunteers gave their time and talents to make the activities a success.
In the Elks Lodge hall, children visited a variety of stations. At craft tables, participants could color, use stickers, decorate sunglasses, and plant flower seeds to take home and nurture. Games included bunny bowling, bean-bag toss and ring toss. The Easter Bunny was on hand for photo opportunities.
Snacks and juice were served before the youngsters went outside to hunt for hidden eggs in the expansive lawn. Each child was permitted to find and keep 10 of the plastic eggs with small toys inside.
Adults delighted in watching the children excitedly scramble around to look for treasures.