
38th District Republicans attend Delaware GOP Convention

Next monthly meeting set for May 28
May 28, 2024

The mighty 38th District Republicans came out in force May 18 for the Delaware GOP Convention, showing that not only do they work hard, but they also play hard, too.

The team enjoyed donuts, coffee and buns, and they brought a grill to serve hungry delegates in style, with plenty of sides and fixings. They also fed a few hungry candidates, representatives and senators. When the time came, they got down to business casting their votes and showing support for the newly endorsed Republican Party candidates for the 2024 election cycle.

This year, there were several candidates seeking the party endorsement for governor. Even though Delaware Republican Party Chair Julianne Murray was not running for governor this year, she still garnered quite a few write-in votes. The delegates showed that they also believed in the process, getting their momentum behind the frontrunner candidate for governor, House Minority Leader Rep. Mike Ramone, R-Newark, who now has the party's official endorsement and support moving forward to November.

Republicans in the 38th District, which includes Ocean View, Millville, Bethany, Frankford, Selbyville, Roxana and Fenwick Island, are welcome to attend the club’s next meeting at 5 p.m., Tuesday, May 28, at the Fenwick Crab House, with Murray as the guest speaker. 

The 38th District Republican Club meets the fourth Monday of every month and is open to new members. The meetings are regularly attended by Sen. Gerald Hocker of Ocean View, Rep. Ron Gray of Selbyville and Sussex County Councilman Doug Hudson. For more information on this event and the 38th District Republican Club go to or email


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