
Chorman announces candidacy for DEC board

June 7, 2024

My name is Jeff Chorman, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the second at-large seat on the Delaware Electric Cooperative board. As a lifelong resident of Milton and a proud graduate of Cape Henlopen High School, I have deep roots in our community. Following high school, I pursued higher education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in professional aeronautics.

Since 2010, I have had the privilege of owning and operating my family’s aerial spraying business, a staple in our community since 1950. Many of you may recognize the yellow crop duster flying over Sussex and Kent counties, piloted by me or one of my colleagues. This work has strengthened my connection to our local farming and agriculture sectors, which remain close to my heart.

Our community is experiencing significant growth, particularly in Sussex and Kent counties. This expansion brings both opportunities and challenges for our electric cooperative. DEC has made commendable strides in modernizing our infrastructure and transitioning from a farming cooperative to a technology-driven entity. However, we must continue to balance the integration of renewable energy sources with the need for reliable service.

I am committed to leveraging my background in agriculture and business to contribute to this ongoing evolution. As a candidate for the DEC board, I am eager to bring a fresh perspective and dedicated leadership to ensure that our cooperative meets the demands of our growing community while maintaining high standards of service.

I respectfully ask for your support in the upcoming DEC board election. Together, we can continue to build a resilient and forward-thinking cooperative that serves all members effectively.

Thank you for your consideration.

Jeff Chorman


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