Red Hat Society Evening Primroses Chapter marks 15 years
Members of the Red Hat Society Evening Primroses Chapter in Lewes celebrated its 15th anniversary at The Palace in Milford. All members of this chapter also belong to the Pirates of the Delaware Bay Chapter, also located in Lewes.
The two Red Hat Society chapters are always looking for fun-loving women ages 21 and up to join them for a few hours of lighthearted fun each month. Many women who have moved into the area are looking for a group of ladies who enjoy socializing.
The Evening Primrose Chapter meets the last Tuesday of each month, normally for lunch. This group usually wears the traditional purple clothes with a red hat.
The Pirates of the Delaware Bay members invite their mates to attend their adventures. They meet during the summer months and wear either pirate or wench garb on their outings.
The Red Hat Society is an international organization founded in 1998 in the United States for women who connect, support and encourage one another in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment and and fitness, while collaborating in the quest to get the most out of life.
For more information, go to or contact Ambassador B.J. Young via email,, or phone, 302-265-7756.