Remembering Delawareans who died on D-Day
It was 80 years ago on June 6, 1944, that the largest seaborne invasion in history took place, as U.S. troops and 14 other Allied armies landed on five beaches on the Normandy coast in France. Known as D-Day, the invasion was costly in casualties and deaths for the Americans, with 2,501 deaths and 5,000 wounded.
On D-Day, more than 5,000 Allied vessels, 160,000 troops and 1,200 airplanes crossed the English Channel from England to France.
The invasion marked the beginning of Operation Overlord (the Battle of Normandy) that didn’t end until the Germans retreated Aug. 30, 1944.
In all, nearly 21,000 U.S. troops died during the campaign along with 11,000 Canadians and 5,000 British.
Honoring fallen Delawareans
The Fort Miles Historical Association helps keep the memories alive with its annual D-Day Memorial Ceremony, where the names of 40 Delawareans who died during Operation Overlord are read.
This year’s event, taking place June 8 on the Fort Miles Museum Overlook, featured music, tributes, a rifle salute and speeches.
Taking part in the ceremony were emcee Will Short, FMHA member; bagpiper Lani Spahr; VFW Post 7234 Honor Guard; the Rev. Carol Flett of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lewes, who offered the invocation and benediction and was the featured speaker; Aaron Webster, who sang the national anthem; and Air Force veteran Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, R-Long Neck, who offered a tribute to his father Sgt. Paul Hilovsky, who was among the first 82nd Airborne paratroopers to land in France.
FMHA honor roll readers presenting the names of the 40 fallen Delawareans were Bill Evans, Jim King, Rich Rohde and Ron Ruksznis. Brothers Christian and Nicholas Schimmel, grandsons of the late Gary Wray, one of the founders of the association, rang a bell as each name was read.
Tours of the museum were offered at 12:30 and 2 p.m.
Guests of honor were retired Sgt. George McCarthy, World War II veteran; retired Sgt. Maj. George Horvath; U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Walter Koopman, retired, Korean War veteran; and retired Capt. Don Glanden.
Other guests included Sen. Russ Huxtable, D-Lewes; Sussex County Councilman Mark Schaeffer; Khalil Saliba, Lewes deputy mayor and councilman; Kevin Williams, VFW Post 7447 junior vice commander; and Steve Barrow, American Legion Post 17 past commander.