Lewes Public Library’s knitting/crochet club held its inaugural Worldwide Knit in Public Day celebration June 8, in Mary Vessels Park in Lewes. The nearly two dozen participants knitted and crocheted in the gazebo from 10 a.m. to noon.
The ladies of the club celebrated the global event by working on projects together over homemade muffins. The knitters and crocheters also received coupons for nearby Olive and Oats. One member brought yarn and needles for those passing by the gazebo to join.
“The best part is just how we’ve meshed as a group and that we’ve all come together,” said club founder Laurie Rosheld.
Roshfeld founded the knitting/crotching club at the library in March 2023 after moving to Lewes. The club meets every Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. by the fireplace in the Library. The group regularly has about 20 participants, with new members joining often. Roshfeld said the members bring their yarn and needles to each meeting, but they share ideas and skills.
“It takes a village like anything else,” Roshfeld said. “It’s just a matter like any other group – helping each other.”