
Organizers of Rehoboth protest explain actions

June 14, 2024

We are writing to thank Stan Heuisler for his letter drawing attention to our Solidarity with Palestine bike ride in Rehoboth Beach June 1. We, a group of local business owners, students at Biden's alma mater (University of Delaware), Muslims, Palestinian families and allies are horrified by the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We biked together with a multitude of signs and Palestinian flags to Gordons Pond, where the president’s motorcade passed us.  

We biked to St. Edmond Church, and while the president attended mass, we chanted, “Biden, Biden, you’re a sinner, Gazans don’t have aid or dinner.” Surely it is a sin and moral outrage that more than 37,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by bombs, most of them paid for with U.S. tax dollars.   

It is easy to criticize a particular sign or action. It is harder to face the brutal realities of starvation and violence, to open one’s heart to the enormity of grief, and to act with conscience for real peace. 

Had Heuisler stopped to talk with us, he would have heard stories from local Palestinians who wake up every morning hoping to reach their relatives and see if they have survived another day. He would have heard stories from people of many faiths striving to live their beliefs with integrity. He would have heard stories of local children who chant loudly because they fear for their relatives' safety, a fear that no child should need to face. 

At least 670 places of worship in Gaza have been destroyed by Israeli airstrikes, including the area's only Catholic church. We find dissonance between the president's appearance at mass and his unwavering support for the destruction of holy sites enabled by U.S. military funding to Israel. We feel it is our duty to remind him that while he prays at mass, Christians and people of all faiths in Gaza are unable to pray safely.

We biked and chanted because Palestinians, like all people, should be free. We believe that all of those in peril deserve safety. We reject the idea that the ongoing U.S.-funded and -equipped military bombardment of Gaza is making anybody safer, and that includes Israeli hostages in Gaza. We know that the president did not act when Israel’s invasion of Rafah crossed his own red line and that he is not living his faith or serving our country with integrity. 

We also know that freedom, peace and liberation are possible. And so we continue to take action in every way, shape and form. We will chant, bike, sing, pray and take action in every way until this genocide, funded by our tax dollars, ends and Palestinians receive complete justice and liberation from occupation and apartheid. Join us in action @deactions4palestine! 

Miriam Gerges
Samaher Omar
Rev. Cathy Rion Starr
DE Actions for Palestine


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