Eastern Sussex Democrats to meet July 3
Eastern Sussex Democrats will meet at 5 p.m., Wednesday, July 3, at Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m., with a buffet dinner before the presentation. The cost is $25 per person for ESD members and $30 for nonmembers. Attendees can pay at the door or pay in advance at easternsussexdemocrats.com.
Featured guest speakers will be incumbent RD 20 Rep. Stell Parker Selby, D-Milton, and RD 14 candidates Claire Snyder-Hall and Kathy McGuiness.
Parker Selby was elected to represent District 20 in 2022, flipping the seat from red to blue. Born in Milford and raised in Sussex County, Parker Selby was a teacher and administrator in the Cape Henlopen School District and served on the school board after her retirement. She has also served on the boards of several local service organizations and Delaware State University.
Snyder-Hall is running to represent the people of RD 14 in the Delaware Legislature. She wants to use the extensive network of relationships she has developed through her political work in Delaware over the last 13 years to benefit the district and help improve the quality of life in the First State. Snyder-Hall was executive director of Common Cause - Delaware, a national, nonpartisan, grassroots organization.
McGuiness was a Rehoboth Beach commissioner before being elected in 2018 and serving one term as state auditor, and a former pharmacist in Rehoboth Beach; she is also running for the RD 14 seat. McGuiness said, “I believe they need a strong voice, someone that knows the area, knows the people, has seen the change, seen the growth. We’re going to have growth, but we must direct it, and it has to be responsible. I believe we need someone who is there to help assist and do it in incremental phases in a positive manner.”