Community Briefs 6/26/24
Elks donations support local nonprofits
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 recently presented $1,000 donations to the Boardwalk Buddy Walk and Operation SEAs the Day Inc.The Boardwalk Buddy Walk funds will benefit Uncle David’s s Ice Cream Shop, a nonprofit business providing employment opportunities to individuals with Down syndrome while raising awareness within the community. Operation SEAs the Day supports wounded active-duty and veteran military service members and their families for a no-cost beach week vacation each year. The Elks also committed to a $500 sponsorship for the Lewes Public Library to support its programming.
New Wings & Wheels website launched
The Greater Georgetown of Commerce recently unveiled a new website for its Wings & Wheels weekend event, set for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4 and 5, at 21553 Rudder Lane, Georgetown. For more information, go to
Israel UMC sets young adults anniversary service June 30
Israel United Methodist Church, under the leadership of the Rev. Marjorie Belmont, will host its 53rd young adults anniversary celebration at 10 a.m., Sunday, June 30, at 20230 Plantation Road, Lewes. All are welcome to join in praise, prayer and worship including a gospel concert featuring God's Travelers. Come and See What God Has Done is the theme.
UUSD to meet June 30
The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold a service at 10 a.m., Sunday, June 30. The Rev. Dave Hunter will deliver the message, “Shall We Give God a Second Chance?” Jean Charles, worship coordinator, said, “Many Unitarian Universalists have ambivalent feelings about God. The God who watches over humanity and intervenes in our affairs from time to time seems implausible, but are there other images of God that are worth consideration?”
Hunter is a graduate of Princeton, Harvard Law School and Wesley Theological Seminary. In his 33 years as a civil rights lawyer, he concentrated on the preservation and expansion of democracy. After 25 years in the voting section of the Justice Department, he retired in 2000 to become a full-time student for the ministry. Ordained in 2003, he served congregations in Maryland, New Jersey, Arkansas and Pennsylvania along with his wife, the Rev. Kerry Mueller.
For more information, go to
Dining events to support Lewes fireworks July 2
Kindle and Half Full restaurants in downtown Lewes will host dine and donate fundraisers from 4 p.m. to closing, Tuesday, July 2, in partnership with Go Fourth Lewes Fireworks. A portion of the evening’s sales at both establishments will benefit the fireworks fund.
Half Full is at 125 Second St., and Kindle is right around the corner at 111 Bank St., so everyone is encouraged to get an early start on the holiday, enjoy a great dinner and support the community fireworks display. For details on dining options, go to and
RSVP by July 2 for Republicans’ Big Tent Event
Republicans for Sussex will hold its annual Big Tent Event for friends and family from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 14, at American Legion Post 28, Route 24, Millsboro. Guests will meet candidates and enjoy an old-fashioned picnic of chicken, hot dogs, sides, chips, ice cream and cold drinks.
This classic summer Sunday afternoon family picnic includes an auction and a chance to win $100 in cash. Cost is $25 per person; children under 12 are admitted free. RSVP by Tuesday, July 2, by calling 302-947-9437. Sponsorships are also available.