
Suzanne Goode will improve Rehoboth Beach

July 5, 2024

Rehoboth Beach is in trouble. Our current leadership in Rehoboth Beach is moribund and removed from the citizens. The board makes one unwise decision after another. From the outrageous compensation package for our new city manager, making him one of the highest-compensated public servants in all of America, to losing control of one-third of the city’s beaches due to not wanting to pay a reasonable $10,000 the state requested, to now considering taking significant additional effluent from Sussex County to be discharged off our beaches, the city is on a roll, making one bad decision after another. These decisions are taken with no consideration of what the residents of Rehoboth Beach want. There seems to be no interest on the part of current leadership in even hearing what citizens have to say.

Suzanne Goode will make a difference for Rehoboth Beach if she is elected to the board of commissioners. She is energetic and compassionate. She seeks out and listens to people’s concerns. Above all, she is reasonable, and she is able to make sound, economically viable decisions. I know she will improve the uncaring reputation of the city’s board of commissioners. I know these egregious, ridiculous, spendthrift decisions our city leadership makes will be reduced. I know citizens of our city will feel that they have a true representative on the board. And I know Suzanne’s leadership, rational decision-making, compassion and concern for the pocketbooks of citizens will improve the city if she is elected. 

How do I know? I know because I am her husband. I know what happens when Suzanne devotes herself to what she cares about. Anyone who talks to Suzanne for any length of time quickly realizes that she is incredibly curious and highly intelligent. She is also modest. When I first started dating her decades ago, it was over three months before I learned she graduated from Harvard. So again, how do I know her qualities will improve and bring success to the people she cares about? Suzanne and I raised four children. All four have become productive members of society and are successful in their careers. Currently, one is a surgical resident in Virginia, one is a senior software engineer in Silicon Valley, one is a Wall Street trader, and the youngest is soon to be an engineer for a defense company. I attribute much of their success to Suzanne’s care for them. These qualities Suzanne possesses will without a doubt improve Rehoboth Beach if she is elected to the board of commissioners. 

Jeffrey Goode
Rehoboth Beach


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