SunFestival boasts two DJs for the price of one
The CAMP Rehoboth Labor Day weekend extravaganza that is now known as SunFestival started in the 1980s as a dance, and for many people that is still the highlight.
This year’s Night of Dance will offer two DJs for one ticket Sunday, Sept. 1, at Rehoboth Beach Convention Center, which will be transformed by major lighting, video and visual effects.
Doors will open at 7 p.m. with DJ Robbie Leslie kicking things off with a disco tea dance. With Leslie, audiences don’t get preprogrammed, algorithm-driven music. He considers the dance floor a living organism. “It’s a chemical reaction, a very dynamic fusion of the music and the crowd,” Leslie said.
For the second half of the night, another returning favorite, Joe Gauthreaux, will take over. Gauthreaux has performed at clubs and parties for 25 years, headlining major events and circuit weekends. “Last year, the CAMP Rehoboth team added video to the production, which really elevates the event. We all hope to make this year’s event even more immersive and epic,” said Gauthreaux.
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Proceeds from SunFestival benefit CAMP Rehoboth, an LGBTQ+ community center dedicated to Create A More Positive environment inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Southern Delaware and beyond.