
Research Rehoboth candidates before voting

July 12, 2024

If you are eligible to vote in the upcoming Rehoboth Beach election, remember to cast your vote carefully. Review the candidates’ recent attendance at commissioner meetings. Review their letters written to the city on recent topics of concern. Review where people live, where they pay taxes and how many days they can legally reside in Delaware. Vote for someone who has been recently active in city politics, someone who is engaged in the current civic discussions that have torn the city apart in recent months. 

Don't vote for the one with the well-crafted letter to your home or residence, or the one with photoshopped pictures or glossy handouts. Don't vote for someone who has been silent for the past few years and now wants your vote as they come out of hiding. 

If you are eligible to vote, please do. Don't sit on the sidelines. It's our city, and we need active commissioners who can legally be in the city more than half a year. We don't need commissioners who have sat idle or were invisible while the city lost Deauville Beach, violated FOIA three times, hired an overcompensated city manager and is in the middle of a massive overrun on the lifeguard building project.

Ask where were these candidates were when this happened? Where was their outrage? Where were their letters? Get answers before you vote.

You might find Suzanne Goode and Mark Saunders might be the most-qualified candidates who were active and present. Not in Florida or hiding somewhere else.

Paul Carrano
Rehoboth Beach
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