
Snyder-Hall is most experienced, qualified candidate

July 26, 2024

It’s disappointing to see a letter in which the writer feels that in order to support their candidate, they must cast aspersions on the other candidate. In two recent letters, both Peter Schott along with our soon-to-be former state representative, Pete Schwartzkopf, have both made such an attempt and it diminishes both the writers and the candidates they support.

In his recent letter, Schott states: “Two of the candidates running for state representative in District 14 have so angered state legislators that their ability to get things done for our district is very much in doubt.” With regards to at least one of the candidates, Claire Snyder Hall, this statement is completely unsupported and patently untrue. The writer must somehow be unaware that shortly after she announced her candidacy, Claire was enthusiastically endorsed by both a sitting senator and a representative, along with retired Rep. John Kowalko, who stated: “I have rarely, if ever, met a more sensitive, qualified and intelligent candidate for public office.”

The writer also completely ignores the fact that Claire, for the past five years, has served successfully as executive director of Common Cause Delaware, a position that required constant contact with local and state politicians, representatives and other members of the General Assembly. Common Cause is a nonpartisan organization committed to an open, honest and accountable government that empowers everyone to make their voices heard and make democracy work. As executive director, Claire was called upon frequently to testify in Dover regarding legislation and is well known by most legislators for her tenacity and ability to get things done.

As a result of her various relationships, Claire accomplished a great deal during her tenure with Common Cause, including most prominently her tireless work to end the movement to allow corporations to vote in local elections.

With regards to Schwartzkopf’s most recent letter, in which he made no comment on Claire’s qualifications for office but instead noted that she was not a friend of his, there is little if any credence to be given to his opinion. It belies the most basic problem I see with both writers’ viewpoints – that it is somehow a negative for a candidate to have been so involved with the Legislature for the last five years, that certain legislators may disagree with her, or even dislike her. As Winston Churchill once said, “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, some time in your life.” Certainly even Schwarzkopf, who no doubt must think he was an effective legislator, must be willing to concede he has made numerous enemies during his tenure. 

In politics, as in life, you can’t please everyone all the time and you must be willing to stand up for your core beliefs, even if it means alienating another politician. Claire, as John Kowalko so graciously stated, is just such a person and is the most experienced, qualified and intelligent candidate for office, and she will be the best representative for District 14.

Donna Whiteside
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