
Thier will bring real change, real progress, real solutions

August 6, 2024

Rehoboth residents have an opportunity Saturday, Aug. 10, to vote for real change, real progress and real solutions. Craig Thier will deliver all these beginning on Day 1. 

Simply stated, Craig is the most qualified candidate in the race. Above all, Craig brings his decades of finance and strategic planning qualifications. There has never been a time these skills are more needed in our city government. 

Craig has also held elective office. As an elected school board member, he worked tirelessly for residents and their children. He built a proven record of determination, hard work, perseverance and effective communication, skills that are needed on the commission as two new candidates join the five that are still serving. He will create consensus by listening to all stakeholders and working toward a common-sense resolution. 

Craig knows constituents need to have trust in those they elect, transparency in the work they are doing and access to their elected officials. He decided to run for commissioner because he, like many, has lost trust and felt closed out. Craig knows he can rebuild trust and institute processes that provide planning and transparency.

Craig has attended dozens of meetings, gathering facts, watching the budget process, researching ordinances and our city code. At the RBHA candidates’ forum, Craig demonstrated his ability to communicate, build consensus and champion real, attainable and viable solutions to the issues Rehoboth Beach is facing. I strongly urge you to go to his website at to see his qualifications, his vision and specific plans for the city’s future.

Craig knows you cannot listen if all you do is shout louder and louder. He also knows that louder does not make your point right. It just makes people turn off. He makes sure he does not speak over people; he respects their voice. He is thoughtful and focused.

I have known Craig for over 35 years. He is my husband and the wonderful father to three strong-minded young women. And I know many of our neighbors share my assessment of Craig’s important abilities. 

Craig and I, along with our daughter, spend all year here in Rehoboth. We attend, enjoy and support events put on by the City of Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth Main Street, Clear Space Theatre Company, CAMP Rehoboth and the Rehoboth Art League. In recent years, Craig has volunteered for a variety of local and regional organizations, including Special Olympics, Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding, Save Our Lakes Alliance3, along with serving on the boardwalk and beach committee since 2021. 

While campaigning, Craig has spent much of his time in residents’ homes, finding out what they want in Rehoboth. If you have any questions, or just want to have a one-on-one discussion with him, he would be happy to arrange a time. You can email him at

Please vote for Craig Thier Aug. 10 for real solutions and meaningful change. 

Lorrie Thier
Rehoboth Beach 
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