
14th RD Dems to host three candidates Aug. 14

August 9, 2024

The 14th Representative District Democratic Committee will meet Wednesday, Aug. 14.

Guest speakers include Kathy McGuiness, a candidate for RD 14 state representative; Jane Gruenebaum, who’s running for Sussex County Council District 3; and Kayode Abegunde, one of two candidates vying for the Delaware insurance commissioner seat.  All will discuss their backgrounds and campaign issues affecting local voters.

The program will begin at 5 p.m. with a Dutch treat dinner at Iron Hill Brewery on Route 1 near Rehoboth Beach, followed by the candidates’ remarks at 5:30 p.m. and committee business at 6:30 p.m.  

McGuiness, one of three Democratic candidates seeking to represent the 14th RD in the Delaware House of Representatives, is a former state auditor and six-term Rehoboth Beach commissioner. Currently a licensed pharmacist and Realtor, the Delaware native has been active in the local business community for many years. She is founding president of the Rehoboth Beach Main Street organization that supports downtown Rehoboth businesses, and has served on the boards of CAMP Rehoboth, Meals on Wheels, Sussex Family YMCA and Eastern Sussex Democrats.

Gruenebaum, the sole Democrat running for the County Council District 3 seat, previously served as an executive and policy advocate for several Washington, D.C. nonprofits, including a stint as executive director of the National League of Women Voters. She earned a doctorate in political science at Columbia University, worked as legislative director for the National Abortion Federation and taught government practices to public officials at the Brookings Institution. After moving to Rehoboth Beach, she founded the Sussex Preservation Coalition, whose 4,000 members advocate for sustainable development across the county.

Abegunde, who is running against Trinidad Navarro for the position of state insurance commissioner, is a member of New Castle County’s Financial Advisory Council. Born in Nigeria, he earned an MBA in finance and healthcare administration from Wilmington University. His professional experience includes working as an accountant, financial analyst, insurance marketing executive and consultant. At the event announcing his campaign, he vowed to bring more insurance products to Delaware residents, particularly veterans.

The 14th RD Committee represents Democrats who live in and around Lewes, Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach. All registered Democrats are welcome to participate in 14th RD meetings. Those planning to attend the Aug. 14 meeting should RSVP by Monday, Aug. 12, to For more information, go to

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