
Cape Henlopen Elks support Shepherd's Office

August 25, 2024

Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 Community Outreach Committee members recently delivered 15 boxes of personal hygiene items to the Shepherd's Office in Georgetown.

Run by director Jim Martin, the Shepherd's Office helps feed, clothe and care for those who are homeless, hungry or lonely, thereby improving the lives of people in great need and helping them become self-reliant.

Barb Gilsenan, Elks community outreach committee chair, inquired about the most-requested items for residents, and found that women were in need of personal products that are not covered by conventional state or federal assistance programs.

Martin said he can’t say enough good things about the dedicated volunteers who support the program. “And the amount of support we get from the Lewes-Rehoboth area is amazing,” he said.

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