
Rendon would well represent District 14

September 6, 2024

I live in the 14th District. I have been following the campaigns of those running in the Democratic primary to replace retiring Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf. For the reasons I outline below, my vote will go to Marty Rendon

I visited the candidates' websites. I read the literature that the campaigns mailed out. I followed news coverage of each candidate during this campaign, and before. I read the letters to the editor

On important local issues such as quality of life in our area as it is impacted by growth, infrastructure, access to healthcare, strong public education, common-sense gun safety laws, a woman's right to choice and environmental protections, the Democratic candidates all seem to agree

From campaign literature and endorsements, I learned that Marty Rendon and Claire Snyder-Hall have well-respected, ongoing experience working in the state Legislature as advocates for good causes. From those who praise them, I learned they both have strong reputations for integrity, transparency and dedication. Marty has the additional qualification of having worked in the U.S. House of Representatives on legislation that positively impacted all Americans

In my opinion, no state representative can be effective if they do not have strong positive reputations. In my opinion, only a well-regarded state representative will be able to garner cooperation and collaboration with the other members of the state Legislature to get legislation and funding the 14th District needs

I also considered whether any candidates made unfortunate accusations against one another during the campaign. Negative, irrelevant accusations distract voters from important policy issues that we face. Unpleasant discourse turns voters off, and many people do not vote for that reason. Candidates should avoid negativity, especially if it ultimately aids the other party's candidate in the general election

From my coverage of the campaigns, I observed that Marty Rendon did not engage in negative exchanges with the other candidates. When I met him to discuss his candidacy, he focused on policy. My impression of him is that he is a kind and sincere man

And, of great importance to me, Marty demonstrated to me a deep awareness that solutions to problems we face will only come about with a clear understanding of the problem, up-to-date and accurate information, careful in-depth planning, supportive coalition building and persistence in pursuit

We should care deeply about who represents us in the capital. The person we choose will be seen as reflecting our community's character and values

Marty would well represent who we are and what we value

Barbara Zuras 
Rehoboth Beach
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