
Kudos to Rehoboth Beach lifeguards

September 13, 2024

In an Aug. 16 letter, Woody Marderwald praised the accomplishments of the Rehoboth Beach Patrol. RBP representatives played a significant role in dominating at the USLA national competition. I’d like to add my kudos on a more personal level. 

I started swimming again this summer, after missing a few years. Uncertain of my abilities after the layoff, I stopped at the stand near Hickman street and told the lifeguards on duty of my intentions, asking them to keep an eye on me.  After two plus months, I am in awe of these young women and men! Not only do they keep an eye on me, they apparently communicate to other guards that I’m out there. Going in and coming out they offer me positive words and encouragement.  

Rehoboth Beach residents and visitors are fortunate to have such a  highly qualified team of athletes protecting beachgoers. But, you know what?  At least to me, these are caring and concerned friends of mine! Next time you’re on the beach, go up to the stand: say hi or even better, thanks!

P.S. I submitted this letter for publication on Aug. 21 as a timely followup to the original letter to the editor. The Cape Gazette editor informed me that the paper has a policy limiting submissions to one letter per author every 30 days. Because my last letter was published in the Aug. 2 edition, I was told the paper would not publish this one until Friday, Sept. 13. Given that the RBP only operates until three weeks following Labor Day, you’re going to have to hurry to say hi or thanks!

Hoyte Decker
Rehoboth Beach

  • A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper.

    To submit a letter to the editor for publishing, send an email to Letters must be signed and include a telephone number and address for verification. Please keep letters to 500 words or fewer. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. Letters should be responsive to issues addressed in the Cape Gazette rather than content from other publications or media. Only one letter per author will be published every 30 days. Letters restating information and opinions already offered by the same author will not be used. Letters must focus on issues of general, local concern, not personalities or specific businesses.

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