14th RD Dems to discuss primary results Sept. 11
The 14th Representative District Democratic Committee will meet Wednesday, Sept. 11, at Iron Hill Brewery on Route 1 north of Rehoboth Beach.
The guest speaker will be Jack Young, a distinguished attorney, and former state board member and lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Delaware. He will discuss the previous day’s primary election and the general election, as well as the next Delaware General Assembly. In addition, the meeting will open with brief remarks from the winner of the primary race for state representative of the 14th District.
The program will begin at 5 p.m. with a Dutch treat dinner, followed by Young’s remarks at 6 p.m., and committee business at 6:30 p.m.
A former trial lawyer, Young has represented national, state and local political parties on voting rights, voter engagement and recounts since the 1980s. In 2000, he served on the team of lawyers for the Democratic National Committee during the Bush v. Gore case. More recently, he has taught election law at several university law schools, having earned his law degrees from the University of Virginia and Oxford University.
The 14th RD Committee represents Democrats who live in and around Lewes, Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach. All registered Democrats are welcome to participate in 14th RD meetings. Those planning to attend the Sept. 11 meeting should RSVP by Monday, Sept. 9, to c.fruchtman@comcast.net. For more information, go to 14thRDDelDems.com.