
Slow progress made at Route 1/Route 16 project

Southbound overpass expected to open by end of 2024
September 13, 2024

A project to take Route 1 over Route 16 in Milton is running a little behind schedule, but the first of two bridges is expected to be open by the end of the year. 

The project is currently in Phase 3, which comprises the construction of a bridge over Route 16 for southbound Route 1 traffic. That bridge is well under construction at this point. 

Phase 4 was supposed to have started in August, but has been pushed back until the end of 2024. Work on the southbound bridge must be completed first because traffic will be shifted onto the bridge prior to the start of Phase 4 work. 

“No major issues/disruptions,” said Delaware Department of Transportation Director of Community Relations Charles “C.R.” McLeod. “Wet weather earlier this year and some minor delays, so we’ve approved a 30-day extension for the contractor to the overall project timeline for construction days lost. We’ll share the date for the switch to Phase 4 once we have it. Project completion is estimated as late fall next year.”

Phase 4 will see the construction of the northbound Route 1 bridge in the area where southbound Route 1 traffic is currently traveling. Northbound Route 1 traffic will follow the same traffic pattern, and a traffic signal will remain in place at the intersection with Route 16. Phase 4’s original timeline had work occurring from August 2024 to August 2025. 

Phases 5 and 6 will happen after Phase 4 work is complete. Those phases involve final improvements to ramps and Route 16. All told, the project is still expected to be complete by the end of 2025. 


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