Candidates, guests enjoy Republicans for Sussex ice cream social

Local candidates attending the ice cream social pause for a photo in the pavilion. Shown are (l-r) John Whalen III for U.S. Congress, Nikki Miller for Representative District 20, Jeff Hilovsky for Representative District 4, Kim Hoey Stevenson for Senate District 6 and Norman “Jay” Jones for Sussex County Clerk of the Peace. SUBMITTED PHOTOS
September 26, 2024
Area candidates, family, friends, volunteers and supporters gathered Sept. 15 for an ice cream social hosted by Republicans for Sussex at American Legion Post 28 pavilion near Millsboro. The candidates spoke to the crowd, received RFS contribution checks for their campaigns and mingled with attendees. Vanderwende’s Ice Cream Truck served a wonderful selection of flavors.
“We had a grand afternoon of celebrating and fellowship,” said Lewis Briggs, RFS chair.