Women’s Club and Volunteer DE 50+ hold food drive
The GFWC Women’s Club of Indian River and the Volunteer Delaware 50+ advisory council held a food drive Sept. 28 at the Giant Food grocery store in Millsboro.
Hundreds of nonperishable items were collected in support of food pantries for state service centers in Georgetown, Frnakford, Milford, Bridgeville and Seaford. Three cars were needed to transport all the donations, totaling more than 900 items, weighing a total amount of 882 pounds.
Mindy Goss, board president, Volunteer Delaware 50+ Advisory Council, said, “The generosity of the people in Long Neck will help ensure hundreds of people don’t go hungry. Thank you to all who volunteered and donated items.”
The Women’s Club of Indian River is a nonprofit organization dedicated to charitable, educational and civic volunteerism. Volunteer Delaware 50+ is a statewide program offered through the State Office of Volunteerism within the Department of Health and Social Services.
For more information, find Women's Club of Indian River on Facebook and go to volunteer.delaware.gov/50plussussex.