
Gruenebaum, Hilovsky, Huxtable deserve our votes

October 4, 2024

I write in support of electing Jane Gruenebaum to Sussex County Council and re-electing Rep. Jeff Hilovsky and Sen. Russ Huxtable to the General Assembly. My reasoning follows:

Abraham Lincoln understood democracy to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Government for the people is probably the most difficult concept of the three to understand and achieve. Essentially, at a minimum, it requires government business to be transparent and conducted in accordance with the public interest. In this regard, the above candidates, if elected, will swear or affirm to always place public interests above special or personal interests. These oaths serve to remind these elected officials to always put the public interests above anything else. I am confident that Gruenebaum, Hilovsky and Huxtable understand and are committed to this important aspect of public service.  

I also suggest that voters be mindful of the complex problems elected officials are expected to address and solve. Developing solutions to these problems will not be easy and is dependent upon electing quality people who are capable and committed to public service.

Voters should give substantial weight to a candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities needed to accomplish their charge. Much like hiring an employee to perform in a certain job, success in office will largely be dependent on the candidate’s KSAs.  

Key KSAs include intellectual capacity and critical thinking skills, ability to relate to citizens and colleagues of diverse backgrounds, leadership skills, communication skills, and resilience and drive to cope with challenges and pressure inherent in the job.

Gruenebaum possesses the KSAs to meet the many challenges faced by our county government. If elected, I believe she will approach her job with a fresh and informed perspective about how the county government can be more accountable, transparent and respectful of the public interest. Her professional experience will transfer well to her duties and obligations as a new member of council. We would all certainly benefit from a more professional approach to management and organizational development that she would bring.   

Hilovsky possesses the requisite KSAs to get the job done. His intellect and critical thinking skills are impressive. He cares and listens to people, and is a good communicator. His extensive military and business experience has given him leadership skills unmatched in our General Assembly. I am grateful for his continued willingness to serve the public and urge voters to send him back to Dover.

Huxtable has shown himself to be a skilled legislator. While not my senator, he has always been willing to listen to my concerns and suggestions. I have found him to be a caring individual and focused on improving the quality of life for all citizens. In contrast, his opponent was part of the problem in Sussex County. She rarely, even when given the opportunity, spoke in opposition to inappropriate development and decisions that many citizens believe have diminished our quality of life. Simply put, Huxtable possesses the necessary KSAs and proper focus; his opponent does not.

Bill Mailander


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