
Distinguished Service to 4-H honors go to Sen. Dave Wilson

October 10, 2024

In the pantheon of Delaware 4-H recognitions for both youth members and volunteer adults, the highest honor is having one's name and biography placed into the Delaware 4-H Hall of Fame, created in 2012.

Each laureate, selected from across the 110-year history of 4-H service, represents a long and impressive litany of devotion and volunteerism to the largest youth program in the nation. While some laureates hail from official extension services, the vast majority of honorees come from local families, often representing three or four generations of family participation.

Recognizing the need for a special carve-out for individuals who, while not officially enrolled or employed with 4-H, are nonetheless avid, unwavering supporters, the Delaware 4-H Foundation created the Distinguished Service to 4-H Award.

Its first laureate is Sen. Dave Wilson, R-Lincoln, who serves the 18th District in the Delaware Senate.

“For many years, Dave Wilson has been a strong advocate and supporter of the Delaware 4-H program as well as for all youth in our state,” said Doug Crouse, 4-H program leader with the University of Delaware. “His passion to see youth learn, grow and have the resources they need is so beneficial to our program. His time, energy and efforts have all been truly appreciated by everyone.”

Crouse’s daughter, Jennifer Crouse Hood, grew up in the 4-H program. Now president of the 4-H Foundation, she served as emcee for the induction ceremony.

“Sen. Wilson’s  dedication, work and passion on behalf of our youth in Delaware is outstanding. He always has made himself available, ready to share and educate youth, and supporting events in any way he could. The best part was he always did it with a smile,” said Hood.

“This is truly an honor; 4-H is near and dear to my heart,” said Wilson. Holding his hands flat out at hip level, Wilson shared his awe at seeing youth “this high” grow and develop into successful young adults. “I was never a 4-H member ... but looking back at the years I’ve been involved in 4-H, it is more rewarding to me to see what has happened to 4-H in Delaware and how you all have made a difference.”

The ceremony took place Sept. 21 at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover. Delaware 4-H is part of the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension. On average, 31,000 youth participate each year in the 4-H program.



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