
UK’s offshore wind is a bad example

October 11, 2024

A former British resident of Rehoboth Beach is disappointed in our resistance to offshore wind power and extolls the success of renewable energy in the UK in a letter to the editor in the Oct. 7 edition. Sir, the cost of British energy is among the highest in the world. According to a study by the RealClear Foundation, your country's investment in renewables between 2009 and 2020 produced an increase of 15% in nameplate capacity but a reduction of 20% in domestically generated electricity, the foreseeable result of transitioning from reliable carbon-based fuel sources to intermittent wind and solar power. Consequently, you have had to increase imports of foreign electricity more than two-fold. And British businesses are paying two-and-a-half times more for power than their American counterparts. Please pardon our absence of enthusiasm for the prospect of producing less energy and paying more for it. We are a severe disappointment to you, we are sure, but we do enjoy our prosperity.

Del LeBarron
  • A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper.

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