
Parker Selby continues to work for the community

October 11, 2024

Esthelda "Stell" Parker Selby has been a role model for me for many years, and she is a person I continue to admire. She was the assistant principal of Cape Henlopen High School during my three years of attendance. She is a strong, intelligent and independent African American woman who taught me how to set goals and to work diligently toward goal realization. She also taught me the importance of collaborating with people both inside and outside of one’s specific community.

I am constantly amazed by how hard she continues to work in the community to ensure residents have a voice and that they are able to use that voice to their advantage. She could have simply retired upon severing ties with Cape Henlopen, as she had done more than put in her time. But such is not the case. She continues to work for the residents of District 20, serving as state representative.

I heartily encourage all who reside in District 20 to vote for Rep. Stell Parker Selby Tuesday, Nov. 5, in order to continue the effort to build upon the fire that she started.

Nicole M. Howell


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