Building Bridges guests support Community Resource Center

The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for the Community Resource Center’s eighth annual fundraiser called Building Bridges Oct. 4, at Kings Creek Country Club outside Rehoboth Beach.
This event featured live music, a live auction, a wine pull and a delicious dinner prepared by the club’s well-known Chef Phil Lambert.
Live auction items included a multi-night stay with meals at the Boardwalk Plaza Hotel, a four-course meal with wine pairings prepared in the winner’s home by Chef Lambert, a round of golf for four at the Rehoboth Beach Yacht and Country Club, and a beautiful painting by award-winning local marine artist Steve Rogers.
The name of the event comes from the organization’s slogan, Building Bridges for Neighbors in Need. In 2023, the CRC distributed 50,000 bags of food, provided baby supplies for 1,400 infants, helped 150 families stay in their homes, and hosted 1,800 visits from homeless people, allowing them to stay warm, take a shower and do laundry.
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