
Governors gate should remain for safety

October 10, 2024

As a Governors resident, I am opposed to any unrestricted vehicular connection between Governors and the proposed Village Cottages development via Stockley Boulevard.

From a safety perspective, traffic will opt to cut through Governors rather than continue on Kings Highway. This traffic will pass around the main rotary next to the Governors community pool complex that sees a lot of pedestrian and bicycle traffic, including kids of all ages – a clear safety concern.

It is noteworthy that Sussex County Council has already ruled that this connection be limited to emergency services only via a controllable gate; therefore, I am upset that the developer would seek to put their future profit interests ahead of safety in seeking to have this already adjudicated condition reversed. I am upset but not surprised.

As council meets to consider these newly filed applications, I urge council members to please leave the controlled gate access condition in place, and do not cave to the developer.

Gerard Gouldson


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