Beebe Healthcare Perinatal Loss Support Services hosted its 20th annual Walk to Remember Oct. 13, at George H.P. Smith Park near Blockhouse Pond in Lewes.
The annual Walk to Remember allows families an opportunity to honor the memory of babies who have died through tubal pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal or infant death. Similar walks take place nationally, but Beebe’s is the only Walk to Remember held in Delaware to specifically commemorate pregnancy and infant loss. October is designated as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
Families and friends gathered at Blockhouse Pond pavilion and walked the half-mile path around the pond, followed by a short memorial service to honor the memory of those lost.
Family members tossed flowers into the pond to honor their loved ones. The purple flower represents the family of the child, and the white rose symbolizes the baby that was lost. After that ceremony, the children held a butterfly release in remembrance of the children who had passed.
Terri Wyatt RN, Walk to Remember coordinator, will be stepping down this year after 20 years at the helm. She created the Walk to Remember in 2004.
“I would just like to say that every loss needs to be remembered and every life honored, no matter how brief,” said Wyatt. “My heart goes out to every family who had ever experienced a pregnancy or infant loss, and as I pass the torch, I want them to know their babies will continue to be remembered for years to come.”