
Rehoboth resident is thankful this holiday season

December 17, 2024

First of all, I am thankful for the Cape Gazette, which continues to be our local newspaper. Local newspapers are becoming a precious rarity in our nation. And for printing our conversations/opinions on important issues and events of our community. 

Secondly, I am thankful for our preserved land of Delaware through Nature Conservancy, the state parks and the rail trails. Biking and walking in Delaware’s good nature enriches my whole being! There is a concern I have here at Cape Henlopen State Park: using the primitive camping area to construct 11 cottages using power, water, sewage and land, which will further block our night sky, our access to undeveloped pristine nature. Also, building a new bathhouse in an area that has a gorgeous view takes away from the overall enjoyable experience and right we have to enjoy unspoiled nature. Of course, the current bathhouse needs an upgrade, but let’s do this on the same footprint.

Thirdly, I am thankful that we are getting our first installation of wind power. Granted it’s in Maryland, but we’re sharing. This event has been a long time in coming. What a delight that we can celebrate the light and power it brings us naturally.

And that’s what holidays are all about - celebrating the light among us. That light is right here.

Nettie Green
Rehoboth Beach


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