
Buckaloo’s years of experience matter

December 17, 2024

Regarding the article dated Dec. 6, that covers the election of William Buckaloo to the role of Lewes fire chief for 2025, I was disappointed that its focus was on the past only, and there was no reference to the decades of service that he has provided to the community.

As a result of the previous situation, he was brought before the Lewes Fire Department board at the time, and was given a significant suspension. Some in the community wanted more and some wanted less. Having done my own research, I believe the level of suspension was appropriate, and I told him so. 

Did the experienced reporter ask the department spokesperson to elaborate on what the qualifications are for chief and the approximate number of required hours per month? Leaders put the community ahead of family, often rotating coverage to ensure a department leader is available 24/7. This is in addition to the hundreds of hours of initial and ongoing training.

I disagree with the department's decision to not make him available for comment. Had he commented, or had research been done on his service, you would have heard about his service starting as a junior firefighter, firefighter, trainer, as well as volunteer leader throughout his 25-plus years of service. That service is exactly what is needed to lead a team in an emergency.

I am, admittedly, biased as I collaborated with him and volunteered with him in the past. Prior to my volunteer service and after a person I tried to save passed away, he pulled me aside and helped me realize I had jumped in, used my CPR training, which is more than most others would have done. Volunteering with him, he called me on some mistakes I made, while in the department, but always made sure I was trained the right way. 

I now live in southeastern Pennsylvania where fire departments are consolidating, not to save money so much as to manage with limited volunteers, let alone leaders.

I also expect the best leaders to surround themselves with others who will help them lead. Bill has a strong volunteer and paid staff behind him.

As spokesperson Glenn Marshall said, if you do not like the decision, please feel free to join the department. I can tell you, from my brief time in the department, it is an intense and truly gratifying experience.

Thank you to all the great men and women who will be coming to the aid of you and your family, as they always have.

Garrick Weaver
Former Lewes resident
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