Milton Town Council unanimously approved a plan brought forth by Delmarva Power to replace 55 streetlights in the areas of Chandler Street, Behringer Avenue, Bay Avenue and Atlantic Avenue.
Under the plan, Delmarva Power, at no cost to the town, will replace the existing streetlights with new cobra head lights with LED lightbulbs. No new poles will be installed.
Mayor John Collier said this will be the second phase of work by Delmarva Power to update Milton’s streetlight system, with the first phase installing new lights and poles on Mulberry Street.
Town Manager Kristy Rogers said the new lights would add about $175 per month to the town’s electric bill.
“This is really good work and progress by Delmarva Power,” she said.
Rogers said council should work on a priority list of streets that can have lights replaced with new LED lights.
Delmarva Power first proposed its plan to gradually replace streetlights in town in December 2023, as the company aimed at going from high-pressure sodium lights to more energy-efficient LED lights.
Councilwoman Randi Meredith said she was glad Delmarva Power was moving to the cobra lights, which hang over the street, because the lights do not give off as much light pollution as other styles.
Vice Mayor Lee Revis-Plank said, “This is a significant step.”